Sonic Adventure 3: Legacy (2025)

Sonic Adventure 3: Legacy
Sonic Adventure 3: Legacy (1)



Console Platorms

Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch


Action, Adventure


E-10 + - Fantasy Violence

Created by

Solid G3 Legend

Wikia page made by

Master DA

Sonic Adventure 3: Legacy or Sonic Adventure 3 is the third installment of the Sonic Adventure Series taking place after the event's of Sonic Forces. This game is released for the Xbox One, Playstation 4 and for the Nintendo Switch made by Solid G3 Legend. This game will focus on the perspective of Sonic, his friends, rivals, and even some of his old enemies. When Dr. Eggman's latest plan sets a chain reaction of events that tie people from past, present, future, and alternate realities together in a dark conspiracy by people with intentions far more darker then Eggman's.


  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Cast
    • 2.1 Main Characters/Teams
      • 2.1.1 Team Sonic
      • 2.1.2 Team Rose
      • 2.1.3 Team Dark
      • 2.1.4 Team Jet
      • 2.1.5 Team Silver
      • 2.1.6 Team Eggman
      • 2.1.7 Team Chaotic
      • 2.1.8 Team Next Generation (DLC)
      • 2.1.9 Team Mobius (DLC)
    • 2.2 Villians (Playable Through DLC)
    • 2.3 Minor Characters
  • 3 DLC
    • 3.1 Sinister Origins
    • 3.2 Next Generation
    • 3.3 Power of Infinite
  • 4 Stages and Bosses
  • 5 Playable Characters/Gameplay
  • 6 Music
    • 6.1 Game Music
    • 6.2 Character Theme Songs
    • 6.3 Stage Music
    • 6.4 Event Music
    • 6.5 Boss Music


Sometime after the events of Sonic Forces, Knuckle's job as guardian of the Master Emerald is one night disrupted with it's apparent destruction of a blue hedgehog identical to Sonic. Accidentally releasing the spirits of Chaos and Tikal, the blue hedgehog absorbs some of the emeralds powers, proclaiming himself Scourge before turning green in color. The criminal escapes before Knuckles can stop him, just as Angel Island crashes once more, separating him, Tikal, and Chaos away from each other.

Meanwhile after suffering another defeat at the hands of Sonic that leads to him being critical injured, Metal Sonic has become fed up with the losing streaks and becomes much more desperate. After being repaired by Dr. Eggman, the two form an alliance after he announces his new plan to use the Chaos Emeralds to control the world's titans. Powerful beings that possess god like powers that have existed since ages ago, Chaos being one of them.

While this goes on, Jet continues to seek a means to beat Sonic for the title of fasting thing alive. After finding a hidden journal from his father, he discovers that by harnessing the power of the Chaos Emeralds with the control of the Master Emerald would grant him great power. With this knowledge at hand, Jet new seeks to find the Chaos emeralds and pieces of the Master Emerald before the others do.

Unknown to all teams, Silver and Blaze have returned from the future, now seeking to find the Emeralds from the past to stop a reformed Ibilis in the future. Unaware that they along with the other teams and Eggman are all unwilling pawns for a sinister Echidna named Dr. Finitevus who desires to harness and control the Titans to become the malevolent Chaos demigod, Enerjak. Believing Shadow is the key to acquiring that power.


Main Characters/Teams[]

Team Sonic[]

Sonic the Hedgehog - The world's fastest living hedgehog and the first main protagonist of the story. One year after Generations, Sonic finds himself once again out to stop yet another scheme from Dr. Eggman, unaware that he and his friends, rivals, and enemies are being used for a dark conspiracy that intertwines their fates with the Chaos Emeralds.

Tails - Sonic closest best friend and a gifted mechanic. Tails has always stood by Sonic's side and continues to serve as his sidekick to help him stopEggman's plans once more.

Knuckles - Another of Sonic's friends and the guardian of the Master Emerald on Angel Island. When the Master Emerald becomes shattered at the hands of a green hedgehog who calls himself Scourge, Knuckles goes on a personal adventure to retrieve the Master Emeralds and put a stop to who ever hired Scourge to do so.

Team Rose[]

Amy Rose- A pink hedgehog and self proclaim girlfriend of Sonic. She has been deeply in love with Sonic since he first saved her years ago from Metal Sonic. After bumping into her friend Lily from Sonic Adventure One, she along with her friends Cream and Big set out to help find their missing relatives who are somehow connected to a green Hedgehog resembling Sonic.

Cream- young six-year-old rabbit with long ears that allow her to fly. Her mother has been missing for the past few weeks and has been staying with Amy since then. Believing a green hedgehog being responsible for her mother disappearance, she joins Amy, Big, and Lilyto seek out her missing mother.

Big the Cat- a large overweight cat that enjoys fishing that apparently is strong as he is slow. When his pet frog, Froggy, goes missing once again, believing a green hedgehog being responsible, Big agrees to help Amy and Cream to help find their missing friends and family.

Lily - A small bird that served as Amy's companion during the events of Sonic Adventure One. When her brother and sister go missing, she seeks Amy's help to locate and find her missing family.

Team Dark[]

Shadow the Hedgehog - a Dark Hedgehog almost identical to Sonic in appearance. He is the Ultimate life form and one of the only few individuals who can rival sonic in speed. Continuing his service working for G.U.N, Shadow along with his partner Rouge, proceed with a mission that ends up with them encountering Tikal who claims she has no memory of who she is or what her past life was. Before he knows it, Shadow finds himself in a strange cat and mouse duel with a sinister Echidna known as Dr. Finitevus who claims to be his true creator.

Rouge the Bat - a professional treasure hunter and secrete spy working for the government. Rouge is a close friend to Shadow as well as his partner in G.U.N. On what was suppose to be a casual mission to spy on Eggman, Rouge finds herself being dragged into a duel between Shadow and Fintievus after the discovery of a mysterious Echidna named Tikal.

E-123 Omega - one of the last of the E-Series robots created by Eggman, Omega has always been a close alley to Shadow and Rouge and joins them on their quest to find the Chaos Emeralds to help reclaim Tikal's memory and stop Fintievus.

Tikal - An Echidna from Knuckle's tribe two thousand years ago. She sealed herself inside the master emerald along with Chaos two thousand years before the events of the story and helped guide Sonic and his friends save and stop Chaos during the events of Sonic Adventure One. After being released from the Master Emerald once more, she later looses her memory and finds herself depending on the help of Shadow to both regain her memory with the use of the Chaos Emeralds and help him stop the Fintievus who strangely has a connection to both her and Shadow.

Team Jet[]

Jet the Hawk - the current leader of the Babylon Rouges and a master of Extreme Gear racing. Since the events of Sonic Riders, Jet has been trying to prove he is the fastest being in the universe by trying to beat Sonic in a race. Digging through his father's old belongings, he discovers in his journal that the Master Emerald as well as the Chaos Emeralds could give him the power he seeks to finally beat Sonic. Not wanting to loose the opportunity, he along with Wave and Storm seek out to find both the Chaos Emeralds and pieces of the shattered Master Emerald before the others do.

Wave the Swallow - the engineer and mechanic of the Babylon Rouges. Serving as Jet's right hand man and advisor, she does what she can to make Jet be more serious with his responsibilities as the leader. Still she cares very deeply for him and will do what she can to help him in his quest to become the fastest being in existence. Deep down she holds deep secrete feelings of love for him.

Storm the Albatross - the airhead muscle of the Babylong Rouges, Storm is another of Jet's friends who like him has a personal score with one of Team Sonic, mainly Knuckles. Like Wave, he joins Jet's quest to find the Chaos Emeralds and fragments of the Master Emerald before the others.

Team Silver[]

Silver the Hedgehog - a silver Hedgehog from the future. In the future of Silver and Blaze, Ibilis was reformed once again with nothing to stop him. Desperate with no other choices, Silver and Blaze travel to the present to find the Chaos Emeralds from the Past to acquire the power to stop Ibilis.

Blaze the Cat - a lavender cat and very close friend of Silver in the future. Like Silver, she has comes to the past to seek the Chaos Emeralds from that time period, quickly becoming friends with the robot Gemeral, who acts as their guide to understand the present day.

Gemeral - a Gizoid created by Dr. Eggman from Emerl's data, making him a revised version of his predecessor. Gemeral meets Silver and Blaze shortly after their arrival from the future and decides to help them acquire the Chaos Emeralds to stop Ibilis in the future.

Team Eggman[]

Metal Sonic - an evil Badnik version of Sonic the Hedgehog and undoubtedly Dr. Eggman's greatest creation, built for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic. Haveing suffered another humiliating loss by the hands of Sonic that ultimetly left him in a critical state, Metal Sonic has become desperate to finally defeat Sonic and proove he is the real Sonic. Now forming an Alliance with Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic along with him, Chaos, Eclipse, and E-102 Gamma seak out the Chaos Emeralds to control the Titans of the world. Believing it would finally give him the chance to beat Sonic once and for all.

Dr. Eggman - Sonic's arc nemesis and one of the main antagonists of the story. Eggman has been in a never-ending battle against Sonic for years and has tried many attempts to conquer the world. Now his latest plan involves him controlling the world's titans including Chaos with the use of the Chaos Emeralds. Now forming an allience with Metal Sonic, he along with the help of him, Chaos, Eclipse, and his other creation Gamma now seek to find the Chaos Emeralds before their enemies do.

Chaos - an immortal and ageless, god-like creature composed entirely of concentrated, water-like chaos energy. It was trapped inside the Master Emerald for thousands of years before being released by Dr. Eggman in a plot to conquer the world. Chaos was also the original guardian of the Chaos Emeralds, Chao and the Master Emerald. After being released from the Master Emerald once more, it soon becomes separated from Tikal and forced to be Eggman's slave in his new plan to conquer him and the rest of the world's titans. Having no choice to follow his commands in the belief that Eggman has Tikal hostage, Chaos reluctantly serves Eggman to try and find the Chaos Emeralds.

E-102 Gamma - the second E-100 battle robot created by Dr. Eggman, but later gained his own sentience when he learned of friendship from Amy Rose and turned on his creator. He then assumed his own mission to 'free' his robot brethren from Eggman, and succeeded, though at the cost of his own life. Now after being rediscovered and rebuilt by Eggman, Gamma has no memory of his actions from the events of Sonic Adventure One and now blindly follows Eggman's orders without question. Including helping him on his search for the Chaos Emeralds once more.

Eclipse the Darkling - a super soldier in theBlack Armsalien species and was created by the Black Arms to essentially be their answer toShadow the Hedgehog.Desperate and willing to do anything to save his race from extinction, Eclipse has joined forces with the grandson of the one who set the chain of events that led to the downfall of the Black Arms. In hopes that if he helps Eggman conquer the world, that Eggman will help him save the Black Arms race from excitation. Like how Shadow is referred to as the "Ultimate Lifeform", Eclipse is referred to as the "Ultimate Alien".

Team Chaotic[]

Vector the Crocodile - the current leader and head honcho of the Chaotix Detective Agency. Large and imposing with a kind heart beneath his scaly exterior, Vector is always ready to take jobs that pay good money, but is also always willing to help those in need for free, leaving his agency in its eternally poor state.

Espoo the Chameleon - An intelligent ninja warrior and a member of the Chaotix Detective Agency. There, he works together with Vector the Crocodile and Charmy Bee to solve whatever cases they are given, where he puts his skills to good use. While initially a hothead when introduced, Espio has since become a calm, soft-spoken, serious, and disciplined person whose wariness and soulful character makes him a vital member of his team, and balances out the foolishness of his friends.

Charmy Bee - the youngest member and co-founder of the Chaotix Detective Agency. While Charmy is always hyperactive, bee-brained, loud, immature and often gets on his teammates' nerves, his tracking skills are nonetheless an invaluable assist to the Chaotix Detective Agency and a crucial part of their team. As such, both Vector and Espio treat Charmy as their equal.

Julie-Su the Echidna - the newest member of Team Chaotix. Julie-Su joined the group as a means to help her earn money to pay for a large debt she has to some unknown people. Unaware of the future that holds for her and how her work with the team will shape the course of the future.

Nessie the Lizard - Julie-Su's close friend and partner in crime as she calls it. Nessie can be best describe as naïve and simple-minded, seeming not to take life seriously. Still what she lacks in seriousness she makes up with her unquestionable hacking ability, capable of hacking and controlling most machines and technology to work and run at her command.

Team Next Generation (DLC)[]

Lara-Su - is Knuckles' and Julie-Su's daughter from the future timeline known as Light Mobius. When her parents were murdered by Dr. Finitevious she along with Sky, Kasumi, and Maria head to the past to stop Finitevus.

Sky the Hawk - The daughter of Jet and Wave from a future timeline known as Light Mobius. A master Extreme gear user and mechanic who easily surpass both her parents. When her parents were killed, she along with her childhood friends Lara-Su, Kasumi, and Maria head to the past to stop Finitevus.

Kasumi the Chameleon - the daughter of Espo and Nessie, a skilled ninja like her father and gifted hacker like her mother. She returns to the past to help her childhood friends save the futures of their families and friends.

Maria the Hybrid - The future Echidna Hedgehog Daughter of Shadow and Tikal in the Light Mobious Timeline. She is the pacifist and closes friend to Lara-Su, Kasumi, and Sky that keeps the group together. Despite her passive and soft nature she's arguably one of the most powerful playable characters because of her more powerful yet more unstable use of the Chaos powers. They do more damage then her father's but at the price of also hurting her in the process.

Team Mobius (DLC)[]

Lupe the Wolf - a character that appears in theSonic the Hedgehogcomic series and its spin-offs published byArchie Comics. She is amobianwolfand ally to theFreedom Fighters. After being caught up inDr. Eggman's attack on her village when she was younger, she was inspired by the heroism ofSally Acornto fight back against the diabolical doctor. She is playable in the "Power of Infinite," DLC, which reveals she at one point was very close to Infinite prior to becoming a mercenary, and seeks to save him from himself.

Princess Sally Acorn- is one of the main protagonists in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-off published by Archie Comics. An absolute monarch in New City and another descendant of a tribe that had once fought with Tikal and Knuckle's tribe 4,000 years ago. She acts as a guide to help Team Sonic in help capturing Eggman in the main story. Becoming a playable character in the "Power of Infinite," DLC, which she along with Mina Mongoose, help Lupe on her personal quest to stop Infinite to save him from himself.

Mina Mongoose - another character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series. She is the sixteen-year-old, yellow anthropomorphic mongoose daughter ofIsabella Mongoose,and the lateArthur Mongoose. A schoolgirl in love with Mobius' most renowned hero, Mina is also a heroine in her own right. Recently she has enjoyed a highly successful singing career, and has become one of Mobius' biggest celebrities. By request from her close friend, Princess Sally Acorn, she agrees to help Lupe on a personal adventure to stop Infinite from resorting the Phantom Ruby

Villians (Playable Through DLC)[]

Mephiles the Dark/Dark Gaia - the primary antagonist in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and the main antagonist to Team Eggman. He is the malevolent conscience, mind and will of the sun god Solaris. In Sonic attempts to erase the future during the events of Sonic 2006, what he did not know was Mephiles was actually an Avatar of Dark Gaia, the World Titan of Darkness. Being the only one who remembers the events of Sonic 2006, he now seeks to claim revenge on the blue hedgehog and continue his plan to destroy time itself. He constantly hides and manipulates events from the shadows, only appearing when necessary. He is a major antagonist to Metal Sonic who is constantly taunted and laughed at by the dark hedgehog that he is nothing but a soulless machine not even worth the purpose of being a clone of Sonic.

Doctor Finitevus - a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. A master manipulator and among the more audacious villains. Finitevious is a sinister Echidna that serves to be the primary antagonist for Team Dark, having a connection to Shadow and Tikal's past. He along with Mephiles is one of the sinister individuals secretly manipulating events from the shadows for his own agenda.

Scourge the hedgehog - a green colored look alike of Sonic the hedgehog who is the self proclaimed evil counter part of Sonic from an alternate evil universe of the regular universe. At first he seems to be just a random thug for hire working with different people. However he is far more sinister and calculating then most of his employers and secretly plots to steel their attempts for power for himself. He is one of the key villains to some of the other teams.

Infinite - formerly known as the Ultimate Mercenary, is a character and antagonist that appears inSonic Forces. He is an anthropomorphicjackal, and the former leader of theJackal Squadmercenary group. During a raid, Infinite was hired byDr. Eggmanto protect hisfacility, only for him and his squad to fall at the hands ofShadow the Hedgehog. Ashamed of this loss, Infinite gained the power of thePhantom Rubyto become stronger and abandon his weak, past self. He is playable in the "Power of Infinite," DLC, which reveals more of his origins and his special connection to Lupe the Wolf.

Minor Characters[]

Vanilla The Rabbit - Cream's mother who has gone missing for some time now. Cream joins Team Rose try and find her.

Lily's brother and sister - Lily's family that were forcefully used as the power source for E-101 Beta and E-102 Gamma. They've been missing for sometime, leaving Lily to join Team Rose to find them.

Froggy - Big's pet frog who has been missing for some time, Big joins up with Team Rose to find him.

Commander Abraham Tower - the leader of G.U.N and the superior officer of Shadow and Rouge.

Gerald Robotnik - the grandfather of Dr. Eggman and the creator of Shadow. Shown in various hidden flashbacks and recordings to help Shadow piece together the clues that link him and Tikal's past with Fintivious.

Maria Robotnik - Gerald's Granddaughter and Engman's cousin who Shadow was close with. Shown in various hidden flashbacks and recordings to help Shadow piece together the clues that link him and Tikal's past with Fintivious. In many ways, Shadow believes Tikal to be a somewhat reincarnation of Maria. It is shown in the Light Mobius timeline that Shadow would name his future daughter after her.

Pachacamac - father of Tikal, who served as the mystic chief and warlord of the Knuckles Clan 4,000 years ago. He appears in flashbacks that help Tikal and Shadow understand their connection with each other and Dr. Fintavious.

Jet's Father - the unnamed father of Jet the Hawk and was a member of the previous generation of Babylon Rogues before Jet's. It is shown through his findings and research that the Chaos Emeralds hold the key to granting power, power which his son seeks to use to finally beat Sonic.

Jet's Ancestor - An unnamed Ancestor of Jet who was one of the original leaders of the Babylon Rouges that lived 4,000 years ago. It is shown that he was at one point at war with Tikal's father and the one who first discovered the hidden power to use the Chaos Emeralds in the means that his descendants generations later would seek to acquire.

Sir Lancelot - the alternate reality doppelgänger of Shadow the Hedgehog from the world of Camelot. He is a member of the Knights of the Round Table, a group of knights in the service of King Arthur. He appears in brief ghost forms to help teach Shadow how to use the legendary sacred sword Arondight.

Light Gaia/Chip - a primordial entity from the dawn of time and the incarnation of light, day and rebirth. Since the earth's beginning, Chip has been in an eternal conflict with Dark Gaia to protect the planet, where they maintain a cycle of destruction and rebirth of the world. He is the World Titan of Light.

Shade the Echidna - lead member of the Marauder forces, she takes her job very seriously and serves to please her lord. She has lived with others of her lost clan within the Twilight Cage for over 4,000 years. She has since earned her freedom from her lord and tribe and now works as an agent helping G.U.N. Like Tikal she has a connection with Dr. Finitevius.

Scratch - a Badnik chicken created by Dr. Eggman to serve as his to wait on him hand and foot and serves as one of his assistants.

Grounder - a Badnik paired with Scratch to perform various duties and serve as one of his assistants.

Blurk- one of the four survivingDark Armshatchlings, genetically-fixed breed of theBlack Arms, cultivated from theWisps, made byEclipse the Darkling. By working in conjunction with the Dark Arms, Eclipse can use a variety ofDark Arm Powers. After joining Blurk, Eclipse can use armor, turning his entire skin blue and making him nearly indestructible unmovable, being both bulletproof and strong enough to punch through armor.

Cregal-one of the four survivingDark Armshatchlings, genetically-fixed breed of theBlack Arms, cultivated from theWisps, made byEclipse the Darkling. By working in conjunction with the Dark Arms, Eclipse can use a variety ofDark Arm Powers. After joining Cregal, Eclipse can use Wing, replacing his arms with powerful wings that allow him to fly through the air with ease.

Cyzer-one of the four survivingDark Armshatchlings, genetically-fixed breed of theBlack Arms, cultivated from theWisps, made byEclipse the Darkling. By working in conjunction with the Dark Arms, Eclipse can use a variety ofDark Arm Powers. After joining Cyzer, Eclipse can use Laser, changing his forearms cyan, with an eye on each palm that allow him to fire powerful energy beams from the eye on each palm.

Rhygenta-one of the four survivingDark Armshatchlings, genetically-fixed breed of theBlack Arms, cultivated from theWisps, made byEclipse the Darkling. After joining Rhygenta, Eclipse can use Sonic Cannon, randomly changing one of his arms and allow him to be able to fire powerful sonic blasts.


Sinister Origins[]

A Story DLC that places players in control of the true villains of the story, showcasing their rise to power. How Finitevous took control of the Space Colony Ark. The various missions he orders Scourge to do. And Mephiles' journey to reclaim his powers

Next Generation[]

A story DLC that places players in control of the future Children of some of the characters who have teamed up together to make a journey to the past and stop Finitevous' attempt to destroy their future.

Power of Infinite[]

A story DLC that places players in control of members Team Mobius and Infinite. With Infinite seeks to fix the cracked Phantom Ruby to restore it into full power. While Lupe learns of Infinite and seeks to stop him. Revealing deeper into Infinite's origins and his special connection with Lupe as Infinite continues to rid himself of his past while Lupe and her friends, Sally and Mina, struggle to save him from his future.

Stages and Bosses[]

  1. Emerald Coast Act 1
  2. Emerald Coast Act 2
  3. Glacial Mountain (Snowy Peak)
  4. Glacial Mountain (Cool Edge Day)
  5. Eggman's Aquatic Base
  6. Windy Hill Act 1
  7. Windy Hill Act 2
  8. Lost Jungle (Green Cave)
  9. Lost Jungle (White Jungle)
  10. Red Mountain (Mt. Red a Symbol of Thrill)
  11. Red Mountain (Flame Core)
  12. Space Colony Ark (Cosmic Fall)
  13. Ibilis' Chamber
  14. Return to Echidna Temple
  15. Egg Carrier Deck
  16. Egg Fleet
  17. Twinkle Park Act 1
  18. Twinkle Park Act 2
  19. Speed Highway (Run through the Speed Highway)
  20. Speed Highway (Goin' Down!)
  21. Speed Highway (At Dawn)
  22. Kingdom Valley

More details coming soon...

Playable Characters/Gameplay[]

  • Sonic the Hedgehog

His gameplay remains largely unchanged from the classic Adventure style. The player's primary target is to reach the Goal Ring, located at the end of the stage. Therefore, Sonic's Action Stage structureis practically the same as inSonic Adventure.

  • Miles "Tails" Prower
  • Knuckles the Echidna
  • Amy Rose
  • Cream the Rabbit
  • Big the Cat
  • Shadow the Hedgehog
  • Rouge the Bat
  • E-123 Omega
  • Jet the Hawk
  • Silver the Hedgehog
  • Blaze the Cat
  • Metal Sonic
  • Dr. Eggman
  • Chaos
  • E-102 Gamma
  • Eclipse the Darkling
  • Vector the Crocodile
  • Espioo the Chameleon
  • Julie-Su the Echidna
  • Lara-Su (DLC)
  • Sky the Hawk (DLC)
  • Kasumi the Chameleon (DLC)
  • Lupe the Wolf (DLC)
  • Mephiles the Dark (DLC)
  • Doctor Finitevus (DLC)
  • Scourge the Hedgehog (DLC)
  • Infinite (DLC)


Game Music[]

Character Theme Songs[]

Stage Music[]

Event Music[]

Boss Music[]

More details coming soon...

Sonic Adventure 3: Legacy (2025)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.