New York Daily Herald from New York, New York (2025)

Thomas Meagher's Lecture In Meagher's 1 ecture on Grattan and delivered the Volunteers, says Boston Times, to was immense on the at the Music Hall, an audience, the ball being crowded in every part. Mr. Meagher's appearance in the hall was greeted with which three enthusiastic cheers, and a splendid bouquet, he presented to Miss Mitchel, (sister to John Mitchel) who appeared on the platform. Previous to the commencement of the lecture, Mr. Meagher made a brief allusion to the hearty welcome he had received in Boston, and thanked the people for it.

He should return in April, when he would deliver a lecture upon "Theobald Wolfe Tone, and the men of '98." Mr. Meagher said The ancestry of Henry Grattan was a matter of no consequence. It might be well enough to say, however, that at the time of his birth, (1746,) his father was Recorder of the city of Dublin, and afterwards occupied a seat in Parliament. His mother was superior to his father in every respect. The lecturer alluded to the gallant spirit evinced by young Grattan, and the fact that the same almost rash contempt for danger was one of his leading characteristics.

In that day, in Ireland, every man fought merely to oblige his neighbor. In 1765 we find Grattan's name entered upon the books of the Middle Temple, London, as every Irish law student did and does, to eat his way through a succession of dinners to the bar. Grattan, while in London, spent most of his time at the opera, the theatre, and in the houses of Parliament. There was temptation enough for him too; Garrick, Macklin, Quinn, and Mossop, were on the stage, and in the upper house he listened to Lord Chatham, whose scowl gave Robert Walpole a pain in the back. Edmund Burke was in the Commons.

In these scenes and amid these temptations, is it to be wondered at that Grattan acquired a distaste for the legal profession? His client should be a nation, and her freedom the only brief from which he should speak. (Cheers.) He became uneasy and sad; he deserted the fashionable London lounges, and in his loiterings in Windsor Forest, and afterwards by the clear brown current of the Liffey, the greves of Swift and Vanessa, he grew convinced that he Was right-he determined to persevere. This spirit gave rise to many incidents, at which no one laughed louder or longer than himself. His landlady in London wrote to his friends that he was crazy, that he continually walked about his rooms calling upon some imaginary individual, whom he addressed as "Mr. Passing by a gallows one night he commenced speaking to the empty chains, when a passer by exclaimed, "Why, how the d-1 did you get down." A short time afterwards, in the Senate, he was called a madman by Edmund Burke, who like many Irishmen of the present day, (bear, hear,) made over his genius and his labor to a country not his own.

(Applause.) Such men have had costly funerals by the princes and potentates of the earth, pillered panegyries and storied monuments; but they have lost what was better than ail, the pious love, the fond remembrances of the people amongst whom they were born and bred, and amongst whom they should have lived, and fought, and died! (Applause.) Such men, Grattan said, imagine they represent something higher than their own country, when, in fact, they only represent their salaries. "Let me tell those said he, "that if they are not Irishmen they are This was the madman, who in his wild ravings, thought that Ireland might once be frie. Grattan took his seat in Parliament on the same day that Washington accepted the command of the American forces under the old elm tree in Cambridge. (Applause.) His first speech was against the nscription of four thousand Irish troops, with whom England desired to cut the throats of her American brethren. (Prolonged applause.) Both men had the freedom of their country: to work outboth succeeded, but the triumph of the one was reversed, while that of the latter still remains untouched.

(Cheers.) At this time England wat full of business abroad; but there was little or no trouble in Tipperary (laughter and applause), and all the treops were drawn off from Ireland. The mother country, the kind, old dowager, therefore concluded to send her grenadiers to administer gunpowder tea to the Americans, and to twist into cartridges the stamp paper which the revolutionary fathers had discardeed. (Cheers.) Loyal people in Ireland became alarmed-only the loyal people in Ireland ever became alarmed. (Laughter and applause.) The executive was on its last legs, so much embarrassed that it was obliged to borrow £20,000 from Latouche's private bank, and so weak was its credit that when the Lord Lieutenant applied for another loan he was genteely fused. Then did the people enrell themselves by companies, regiments, brigades, into the ranks of the Volunteers.

Ireland was said to be at the mercy of the invader. The rich enrolled themselves from the instinctive desire for seif-preservation, and the poor because they felt the hope for liberty, which has never died. (Applause.) In a few months the Volunteers amounted to forty thousand men, and England saw her despised tributary stand acknowledged her superior. (Cheers.) Then it was that Grattan shone out resplendent. He said, "let the friends of liberty rejoice at this means of safety--the hour of redemption is at band." He hoped it was.

England was weak, and in the bands of Ireland her fate rested. The day will come again when England will be struck with infirmity, and let go her hold upon Ireland. (Cheers.) Grattan knew that he had to set free his country from the oppression of English lords and commons. With him the fate of England was a secondary affair. He said that he knew of no gratitude which should oblige Ireland to be subservient to England.

(Enthusiastic applause.) In the spring of the year 1780, Lord North was turned out of office, and the new ministry came in with good prospects; but their faces darkened. The beggar was no longer in rags, but stood before them in uniform and cross-beits. The Volunteers numbered a hundred thousand men, while the King's troops mustered but five thousand. An English regiment halted to allow a regiment of Volunteers to pass, who had advanced with bayonets at the charge, to dispute the pass. (Applause.) Fox saw at once that there was nothing to be done by force.

The force for once was all on the right side. He thought it better to try a little diplomacy. It is always the same way with English whiggery. When Samson is strong, Delilah seduces him. Grattan loved Lord Charlemont-tenderly and intensely loved him.

Fox knew it, and sent Charlemont to him to ask that the declaration of Irish rights might be held over for a few days. Grattan was ill when Charlemont called upon him; but his eye flashed, and his frame seemed imbued with new life, as he time no time The question is public property, and shall not be postponed!" (Enthusiastic cheers.) Afterwards he and Lord Charlemont were invited to take office, and refused, on the ground that offices beld in Ireland were under the intluence of the English vernment, which was always opposed to, and frequeatly in direct collision with, the interests of Ireland. Let this example be a warning to those gentlemen who pretend to serve Ireland with the gag in their mouths, the collar of servitude about their necks, and the wages of perfidy in their pockets. (Prolonged applause.) The speaker gave a beautiful episode of the appearance of Dublin when Grattan made his memorable speech, and the Volunteers were on parade in front of the Parliament House. Dublin has never since seen such a day.

England bowed the knee for once. How the glory of that day darkened -how the Volunteers were disbanded -and how the Senate was dismissed--were topics which the speaker had not the time or heart to discuss. That the Irish Parliament should be reformed he did not deny; but when built again it should not be fashioned after the model of Westminster, but after that of Washington. (Cheers.) Our space will not permit an extended report, but our reporter cannot refrain from giving in full Mr. Meagher's inost brilliant peroration.

In closing, he threw immense power into the following The streets of Dublin are silent now. The hoofs that pawed the pavement on that day beat the dull stones no more. The beauty that shone, like the hues of the morning, through that vision of freedem, has vanished in the night that has come upon the land. The throbbing heart has grown cold beneath the shroud. The white arms which wore those chains of crusted gold, set with stones of crimson, violet, and emerald, have withered like the leaves of the lily--have been strewn upon the earth--have become the sport of the wind and the spoil of the worm.

In a silent hall -into the desolate seclusion of which no busy or inquisitive foot intrudes, and where the dust, falling from the cornices, might steal a languid sound from the marble slab beneath, so deep the repose, which dwells there, by night and day-in this silent hall, called the Royal Exchange, -looking the more solemn and impressive for the loneliness which surrounds it--stands the statue of Henry Grattan, erected, as the inscription in a foreign tongue with a plaintive modesty relates, by a country "not (Great applause.) Thus has passed away all that was perishable of that day--all that was not steeped in the living waters, and, by their virtue, made vital and invulnerable. These remain--glowing with the spirit from which they emanated, and clad with a vesture of beauty which neither the moth, nor the mildew, nor the worm shall consume. Those lessons of propriety, citizenship, courage; and good faith, and pure ambition- which quickened the sense of wrong, but did not inflame it with an impure vengeance--which ennobled it into the perception of a great duty, send sanctified with a moral excellence, whilst they fed it with a military fervor, which taught the country of Swift, Berkely, and Plunkett, the Geraldines, and Goldsmith, that their country should no longer be 66. squabling secretary, perplexing her little wits, and firing her furious statutes with bigotry, disabilities, and death, to transmit to posterity insignificance and war, (loud -but that she should be an industrious, a liberal, and courageous nation, moulding and multiplying an opulent estate, afraid not to look "even antiquity in the face, and copy the best features of the ancient Commonwealths," until she left mankind nothing to question, and everything to admire. (Renewed and repeated cheering.) Those lessons, too, of toleration which, in an age of insufferable intolerance, be addressed to the bigots, who, to use his own terrible description of them, "would make a monopoly of God, and an exclusive principle of omnipotence," (vehement applause, again and again repeated) -lessons reminding them, and all who might come after them-inheriting their stolidity or their viciousness-(renewed cheering)-that the error of sects was to "vaine themselves more upon their differences than their religion, and in those differences forget the essential principles of the gospel, whilst they vainly imagined they had found the mystery of salvation.

(Enthusiastic cheering.) Those lessons, reminding them, and us, and all men, that what delayed the happiness, delayed the civilization, delayed the freedom of Ireland--was the inculcation of doctrines the reverse of all this-(loud applause) -was the perpetuation of religious discord that discord on the name of religion- -than which," as he told them, "not all the other causes of human misery--not all the tragic machinery of the globe--not all the instruments of civil rage and domestic murder, cond produce so foul demon' -(vehement applause) for it privileged every other vice, and gave rise to cheering)-those lessons, vital with immortal truths, remain to GA from out the wreck of that day -and in those lessons, though he sleeps in the Abbey of Westminster, Henry Grattan still lives. Mr. Meagher sat down, and the vociferous applause continued for several moments. Mr. Meagher was to have delivered a lecture last evening, in Lawrence, and this evening, by invitation of General Pierce and many other citizens, will give a lecture in Concord, N.

H. On Monday he will give the citizens of Charlestown, a taste of his eloquence. POST OFFICE OPERATIONS. East Beekmantown, Clinton county, N. George Hone, postmaster.

Names changed Perry's Corners, Dutchess county, N. changed to Sharon Station; Manheim, Herkimer county, N. changed to East Creek: Perrinton, Monroe county, N. changed to Fairport. Dr.

Ludlow en the Harmony of Bualness Intellectual Culture. Yesterday evening the Rev. Dr. Ludlow, formerly Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and now Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Theological Seminary of New Brunswick, delivered a lecture at Hope pel on The Harmony of Business with Intellectual Cul. ture." The Reverend gentleman opening this short course of lectures my object to-night will be to show the perfect harmony between business and intellectual culture.

This will claim your chief attention, but I trust I may be pardoned if I occasionally indulge in some digressions. Who does not perceive the most decisive evidences of this harmony in the very constitution of man's nature? We all know, that in order to understand a piece of mechanism it is necessary to examine its several parts, and to ascertain the relations they bear to each other. Having done this, we are not only made acquainted with its construction, but also enabled to perceive its main design. So with a watch, so with a steam engine; with the first we can measure time, and with the other second the efforts of man with more than superhuman power. Apply this to man's nature, and you will perceive he is a being of creation, and of wonderful workmanship.

His body is beautiful in form and symmetry, made up of various organs, which are at the same time fitted for labor and toil. Within us is a mind acting spontaneously, and capable of controlling every outward movement: and such is the connection, one with another, that they are adapted to subserve each other, and pay regard to their common interests. And if the body be stunted in its growth, and the mind only enlarged, injurious results ensue, but benefits accrue from a happy admixture of vigor of understanding and development of physical strength. When such is the case, and the be. nefits become apparent, it is evident that men were made for mental as well as bodily la bor.

To despise or undervalue labor, is to despise the constitution of our own nature-to reflect presumptuously, if not impiously, on the designs of an All-wise creator. Labor, however humble, when directed to some useful end, is most honorable; and the laboring man, covered with sweat and dust, stands upon an eminence from which he can look down with contempt upon those affected gentry who are either too lazy or too proud to work. But if the very institution of man's nature teaches that he was intended for labor, we are equally taught, by the law of common humanity, that this labor should be combined with mental improvement. Besides the manifold physical differences between man and brute, men alone are capable of progressive improvement. There are differences, too, between the different members of the brute creation, for some are endowed with higher instincts and sagacity than others.

In the acuteness of their senses and instinct, some of them are far beyond man, but all are alike incapable of progressive improvement. The bird builds her nest and the lion seizes his prey with no more skill than any of their predecessors Brutes have always acted in the same manner. Were the laws of humanity the same, man would be like the brutes, and one age would be like the preceding. Instead of this, however, man perpetuates with his being the knowledge of the past. Treasures are spread out before him, and all that is instructive in science, history, literature, philosophy and the fine arts, and all that is pleasing in poetry, sculpture and painting, is the common property of all men who seek te obtain it.

But by what means can it be obtained except by intellectual la bor? A vigorous, untiring application of the mind. Such labor, however, is only properly the business of the scholar. It is not expected of the mass of mankind, for they have neither the time nor the necessity for it. Yet if men would desire to live above the brutes and rise to the condition for which they were designed, they must exert their minds. They must know something of the past and the present to fit them for even the common duties of life.

Their social condition, so intimately connected therewith, imperatively demands it. Even menial offices cannot be, performed without a union of physical and intellectual labor. A conclusive indication that He who made them intended that both should be employed, is, that both can be employed in perfect harmony. After making a few observations on the necessity of providing healthy physical labor as well as mental culture, the lecturer proceeded to say: it is ardently to be hoped that whatever encouragement be given to manufactures in this country, it will never be carried to such an extent as to bring up the rising race to misery and degeneracy. But it is not alone to our physical nature we are taught to pay regard.

The intimate connection between man's mind and body, shows that the improve. ment of man's intellectual powers is one of the best established and most unalienable rights. He is a recreant to his very nature if he do not improve them, and he should never be placed in those circumstances which prevent him from so using them. It tollows too, that if society be an ordinance of the Deity, that it is equally His will that man should be taught the whole of the duties he owes himself. This is the broad foundation on which we may rest the obligations of government to' secure to all classes the benefits of education.

With regard to the extent of that education there may be diversities of opinion, but with regard to the duty itself, I apprehend there cannot be one doubt. It is a matter of congratulation, that several States of this leviathan republic are acting on this principle. But to return to my main object. This harmony of business with intellectual culture is connected inseparably by our state. With the increase of population the wants of the people are being multiplied, and necessities are created for new occupations, which require intimate acquaintance with science.

Such things are the concomitants of extended civilization. When man enters into civilization he becomes a changed being, and the arts of life changing produce new occupations, and commerce rising stimulates industry and advances comfort. The lecturer here entered into a discourse relative to the necessities that existed for preventing the growth of luxurious and extravagant habits, which are but too generally the accompaniments of civilization. He then proceeded: But judgment must be exercised in decrying all things that may only seem to extravagant, for how many persons depend for their liveNhood on the use of things that are really useful, such things may be considered extravagant by the ill -judging. The truth is, that if these luxuries are not carried vainly and foolishly, and to an extravagant extent, they seem indispensably necessary to the prosperity and happiness of a large portion of the community who are employed in their production.

How many poor widows with helpless families, by the mere manufacture of artificial flowers, are enabled to live independent of cold and heartless charity. I must here remark-though in so doing I may run counter to the prevailing feelings of the community--that the labor of that small class of humble, but worthy, operatives, find their means of subsistence seriously affected, if not destroyed, by the putting in practice of anti-luxury rules on the part of the rich. But these are questions which every independent tinker will determine for himself. Passing on to another copsideration, and in order to show in a still stronger light he importance of intellectual culture to business, let us see how men are indebted for profitable and productive employment to the advances of scientific knowledge. There was a period when the world was a vast waste -when the rolling in awful and terrific grandeur, deterred the mariner from launching on its restless bosom.

But now we see that the whole world has been thrown open to the gaze of civilized man. The ocean has become a familiar path, and, literally, it may be said of march is on the mountain wave, His home is on the Aichemy was a folly, but it led to incalculable benefit, for it extended the science of chemistry, and widened the sphere of commerce. Without chemistry and other sciences, commerce would be suspended, and ships would lie rotting, and the grass would grow rankling in our streets. The lecturer then took a hurried survey of the progress of intellectual culture, and concluded by expressing a hope of having succeeded in convincing his audience of the necessity that existed for cultivating the mind as well as the body. Madame Alboni in the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

During the discussion of Saturday evening theatricals, in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, on the 3d the question took quite an eccentric episode. Dr. Coggswell, of Bedford, instinctively espied the charming Alboni in one of the galleries. It touched him in the tenderest of places. He, with others, gave expression to their various feelings.

The Boston Journal describes the scene as COGGSWELL, of Bedford, moved to lay the orders of the day on the table, with the view to his offering a motion having reference to a distinguished lady now in the gallery of the House (Madame Alboni). The House convoices called for an adjournment. The question was put curred by a vote of 88 to 49. Mr. COGGSWELL rose to present his motion; but sundry and negatived, by a vote of 133 to 63.

Mr. COGG5WELL then rose and said, that a distinguished lady being now present in the eastern gallery of the House, as a mark of respect to her, and as a duty he owed to his constituents, he moved that Madame Aiboni be allowed to take a seat in the body of the House. Mr. STEVENSON, of Boston, rose, and with manifest feeling, said-" Mr. Speaker: I move that the motion be rejected." Mr.

PRINCE, of Essex, moved to amend the motion, so as to provide that Madame Alboni set next to the member from Bedford, (Mr. Coggswell.) Mr. COGGSWELL. accept the amendment." Mr. THOMPSON, of Boston, said that as the lady had left the House, the gentleman from Bedford would, perhaps, withdraw his motion.

Several demands were made for an adjournment; but Mr. Butler, of Lowell, had the floor, and was proceeding to speak, when the Speaker declared that the subject before the House admitted of no debate. The greatest confusion prevailed, over and above all of which Mr. Butler's voice was heard demanding a hearing. On the understanding that his remarks were to be specially devoted to a question of order, Mr.

Butler was granted a hearing, when he said- Mr. Speaker, alady, sir--and it is not therefore decorous to make sport of a lady. I trust, sir, that this matter will come to an end." Mr. COGGWELL then withdrew his motion. Mr.

THOMPSON, of Boston, said-'I trust, Mr. Speaker, that no notice of this proceeding will be put upon the record of this House." The SPEAKER. -It shall be so. No notice will be made of the motion on the journal of the Clerk. A motion to adjourn was then made and agreed to--the House meantime, and for several minutes previously, being in a state of great excitement and confusion.

PHILADELPHIA POST -The following table exhibits the operations of the Philadelphia Post Office for one year The total receipts at the Philadelphia Post Office during 1852 $167,805 11 Of this amount there was received for letters 152.100 00 And for printed matter. 17,705 11 The number of letters carried 1.591.456 circulars 42,160 newspapers 209,900 During the quarter ending 31st 1852, there was received for unpaid $10,983 11 Receipts of postage paid in 8,130 21 by stamps. 19,165 07 Receipts during the same period for stamps 20,000 00 $58,278 39 Free letters mailed, passing through the office for diatribution, amonnted to. 12.972 The number of letters mailed daily for other offices is 11,000 The number received for city delivery is 10.000 44 46 distribution. 5.000 The number of newspapers mailed weekly is.

300,000 City THE WEATHER- -Yesterday was one of the mos disagreeable days we have had this winter. At an early hour in the morning a thick fog overcast the whole city, during which time the pilots of the ferry boats had great difficulty in navigating. The greatest cantion was used by the conductors of the various ferries, lest some accident might occur. About noon the fog cleared off, but returned again during the evening. The entire day was a nasty, wet and sloppy one, it being either raining or drizzling the whole day.

The condition of the streets is but very little improved by this weather, Broadway being nearly as bad as ever. evening, about half past seven o'clock, flames were discovered issuing from the store of Butler Brother's London and Liverpool packet office, No. 103 South street. The doors of the store were immediately broken open, but the flames were not extinguishe1 before property to the amount of $3,000 was destroyed. The fire originated in the cellar, among a heap of rubbish, which soon communicated to some turpentine which was stored there.

From the inflammable nature of the goods the fire extended to the first story, which is occupied as a grocery and ship's stores. The flames, however, were arrested before their progress had done much damage. The fremen were quickly on the spot, and it was owing to their promptness that the building and its contents were saved from destruction. About two o'clock on Thursday afternoon, a fire broke out in a wood- house in the rear of the residence of Henry Luakenburgh, corner of Fifty-seventh street and Eighth avenue. The flames were, however, soon subdued by means of a few pails of water.

The damage done extended only to the burning of a small quantity of firewood. REPORT OF TILE NORTHERN DISPENSARY, WAVERLEY PTACE. The following report shows the number of patients treated at this institution during January, 1853 Whole number At their 483 Males. 490 At the Dispensary. 734 Females.

727 ..1,217 ...1,217 NATIVITY. 752 Germany 12 United 396 Other 8 England 35 14 Total. 1,211 Cured or 1,033 Died Sent to Vaccinated. 137 Still under 39 The whole number of prescriptions put up 2,964 The greatest number of prescriptions put up in any day 182 Least number in any day 53 Average per 114 DEATH OF A SUICIDE -CORONER'S INQUEST- VERDICT, -Yesterday, Coroner Gamble held an inquest at the City Hospital, on the body of a man named Albert Marchocki, a native of Poland, who, as it will be remembered, shot' himself in the head with a pistol, on the 27th ult. His father was a Polish Count, and during the late revolution in Hungary was imprisoned by order of Emperor Nicholas, and died while in prison.

'The deceased was a refugee, and has been very unfortunate during his stay in this city. The following testimony, elicited before the coronor's jury, will throw some light on the death of this unfortunate individual Ignus Cruszack, being duly sworn, deposed that he resided at 137 West Breadway; he was a room mate of the deceased, Albert Marchocki: about one o'clock on the 27th of January last, I left him in the room; he was then crying; I asked him what he was crying for, and he gave him no answer: he then left him and went to his work; when he came back, about six o'clock in the evening, he learned that he had shot himself; he then came to the New York City Hospital and saw him; he had some conversation with him, and told him that he loaded the pistol the day before, and that on the day of the occurrence he placed the pistol in his mouth, and shot himself, and that when he returned to his senses again he was sorry for what he had done; the deceased left a note on the table wishing him farewell. John Hincklage being duly sworn, deposed that on Thursday, the 27th of January last, he heard a cry for help, while sitting in his room; when he was going out his wife told him that something had fallen in the garret. He went up stairs and found the deceased sitting on a chair; blood was running from his mouth and nose; he then asked him what had happened, and he pointed to the floor where there was a pistol laying; he asked him if he shot himself, and he pointed to his mouth; he tried to speak and deponent understood him to say "hospital;" he then notified the officers, who had him removed to the city hospital; he saw him again that evening, but did not speak with him. George Suckely, house surgeon, of the New York hospital, deposed that the deceased was admitted on the 27th of January last, having received a gun shot wound in the back part of the throat, produced as the deceased informed him, by firing A pistol loaded with a ball, for the purpose of committing suicide; the ball could not be extracted, he continued in a comfortable condition until about four o'clock on Thursday morning, when suddenly he became delirious, with symptoms of obstruction of respiration manifesting themselves he then sunk rapidly, and died about ten minutes before five o'clock on Thursday morning.

On a post mortem examination, he found the ball lying on the spinal cord, which was the cause of his death. The jury returned a verdict, that the deceased commit. ted suicide, by shooting himself in the mouth with pistol. Deceased was a native of Poland, and about twenty four ears of age. A NEW DODGE.

Thursday night at 9 o'clock, two young women entered the house No. 274 Tenth avenue, and proceeded up stairs to the bedroom of Mrs. Logue, the occupant of the house, who was lying sick in bed at the time, when ene of them produced a male infant, about six months old, and laid it on the bed, saying Here is: a present I have brought for you." After carefully laying the child down they departed. On the arrival of Mrs. Logue's son, whom she had sent for a physician, he conveyed the child to the station house, whence it was taken to the Alms house.

A NARROW ESCAPE FROM BEING BURNED TO DEATH.Thursday evening about 7 o'clock, a child of John Dolan, who resides at 160 West street, was sent to bed, having lighted lamp in its hand, and through negligence set fire to the bed clothes. In a few moments the room was veloped in flames, and had it not been for the intrepidity of the police, who heard the boy's screams, he would in all probability have been burned to death. The police, by strenuous exertion, succeeded in extinguishing the flames with trifling damage. AN OLD VETERAN ASTRAY. -An old man, named Israel Smith.

103 years of age, was found astray last evening, in Broadway. When taken to the office of the Chief of Police he stated that he lived in Greenwich street, but did not know the number. He looked very hale. and spoke in glowing terms of the revolution. He witnessed, he said, the death of General Pakenham, at the battle of Ney Orleans, at which he was present.

ORGAN -Mr. William A. King, organist of Grace Church, and other professional gentlemen, will perform on the Cleveland Cathedral organ, this evening, at Mr. Henry Erben's manufactory, Centre street, commencing at eight o'clock. RESCUED FROM -A little boy named James Sheenan, aged about nine years, fell into the water foot of Thirty -first street, East river, at 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and would have met with a watery grave were it not for the bravery of a man named Charles Allen, who, when he discovered the child's position, jumped into the water and rescued him.

The boy was conveyed to the station house, and from thence to the residence of his parents, No. 304 Mott street, Police Intelligence. THE CHARGE AGAINST POLICEMAN WHITEHEADCONCLUSION OF THE EVIDENCE AND DECISION OF THE MAGISTRATE. Yesterday the investigation WAS resumed in the ter pending against policeman Whitehend, before Jus. tice Welsh, on a charge of receiving feloniously into his possession stolen property, the proceeds of a burglary and grand larceny, from two thieves named Henry Newman and Charles King.

We published yesterday the facts and circumstances in the case, together with the full statement of Mr. Whitehead, on his examination before the magistrate. On the part of the defence Mr. Whitehead produced the fellowing witnesses: Jennette Cook, sworn, reside at No. 129 Pitt street: on the 13th day of January, Henry Newman came to our house in a carriage; the driver came in, and asked if a person lived there by the name of Cook; I said yes; the driver then brought a carpet bag in the store, and laid it down by the counter; Newman then came into the store, and asked if Jane, his wife, was in: I said yes, and called her out into the store; I left them there together; I called them into the back room, after they had talked together in the store; Newman brought the carpet bag in, and laid it by the bureau: he then threw some articles-a vest pattern, cravat, and two his wife's lap, and a quantity of silk; my sister-in-law then came into the room, and told me she thought there was something wrong about it; I spoke to his wife about it; she said she thought they were dirty clothes; I wanted her to look at them; she would not, saying that her husband would be angry if she interfered with the bag; she then went away, and did not come back until I delivered the goods up to policeman Whitehead; I told Mr.

Whitehead about them, and what articles were there, as near as I could; I asked him if he had not better take the things, and see if he could not find the thieves; he said yes, he would take them: I gave them to him; I told him that I expected Newman there that night; he said he would come up; Newman did not come that night, but came the next day, between ten and twelve o'clock: when he came, he asked about the goods, and what right 1 had to give them up; I told him the reason was I thought they were stolen, and gave them to the officer: Newman said I need not have feared the gooda, as they were paid for, and came from Philadelphia, and said they belonged to a man named Jim:" Newman asked me to request Whitehead to return the goods, or sell them, and divide the money with him; I asked Mr. Whitehead, who said no, not under any circumstances;" Jane Newman has been off and on in our family for some time past; I had never seen Newman until that morning. David Waterbury being sworn, am doorman of the Eleventh ward station house; about three weeks since Whitehead came in the station house and told me that he had a carpet bag in his possession that he got out of house, which he supposed had been stolen and left there by about a thief, and wanted me to call him the next morning four o'clock, that he wanted to lay for him and catch bim; he said he thought he was connected with gang of thieves; I called him about four o'clock: he got up, dressed himself, and went away, saying that he expected he would be there after the things or bring more: I asked him the same day how he made out; he said he had not accomplished anything; Whitehead said, "Pm damned if I don't catch him; I won't give it up so;" two or three times after that he asked me to call him, that he wanted to lay for them. The other doorman, named Vorus Penny, testified to about the same facts as given above by Mr. Waterbury.

Daniel A. Bostwick being sworn, said--I am a policeman of the Eleventh ward; about two weeks since Henry Newman told me that he had got on track and had received some things, and that he should likely want me to go with him to make an arrest, as some one had promised to spot them for him: Whitehead told me that man wanted to sell him a ticket for a watch; I told him that I would not buy any ticket, but if he could get hold of the ticket to take it: I asked him if he could fasten the things which he had, on any person; he said no; I told him that if he could not fasten it on the man he had better not make any arrest, for if he did, after the man was examined and discharged, he could claim the things; he said he had the property at his house; he mentioned part of it; I think he said something about some satin. John Camerop, being sworn, am assistant captain of the Eleventh ward police; about a fortnight since Henry Whitehead came to the station-house, and stated that he was in search, or was on the track, of some property, and thought that he would turn up something nice; I have no recollection that he told me that he had recovered any property. Some five or six other witnesses were ready to testify to the same kind of facts, all of which went to show that Whitehead was corroborated regarding his statement, and that he had not concealed the property, but spoke about it to many other persons. The magistrate, however, considered that enough had been shown implicating Policeman Whitehead, to warrant his entertaining the complaint, and sending the case before the next Grand Jury, but did not require Mr.

Whitehead to give The two thieves, King and Newman, were examined yesterday, and committed for trial on one charge of burglary and three complaints of grand larceny. Burglary and Grand -On Thursday evening, between tie hours of five and nine o'clock, some rogues forced open the outer door of the livery stable office of Mr. Nathaniel Underhill, situated in Varick street, near Spring street. The desk in the office was broken open. and bank bills amounting to $1,300 were stolen therefrom.

Officers Calrow and others yesterday arrested eight boys, on suspicion of being concerned in stealing the money. It seems that the boys have been in the habit of loitering about the livery stable, and are thus suspected of committing the larceny and burglary. The boys were conveyed before Justice Stuart, who committed them to pri6011 for a further hearing. A Charge of Robbery. Kaveny, of the Sixth ward police, arrested on Monday night a man named Arthur Short, on a charge of assaulting Patrick Cassidy, knocking him down and stealing from his person $14 by force and violence.

The officer conveyed the accused to the Police Court, and the magistrate committed him to prison for trial. Married, In Washington city, January 20, by the Rev. Mr. Butler Gurden, C. ASHTON, of this city, to HELEN A.

HARRISON, of King George county, On Thursday evening, February 3, by the Rev. Dr. Knox, Mr. JOHN P. BELL to Miss ELIZA only daughter of B.

G. St. John, of this city. At the Hermitage, Tennessee, January 25, by the Rev. J.D.

Edgar, D.D., JOHN MARSHALL LAWRENCE, M. to Miss RACHAEL, only daughter of Andrew Jackson, Esq. At Baltimore, February 1, by the Rev. Henry V. D.

Johns, Lieut. WILLIAM MAY, U. S. Navy, to CLINTONIA GusTAVIA, daughter of W. H.

D. C. Wright, of Baltimore. At Colross, near Alexandria, Virginia, on Tuesday, February 1, by the Rev. C.

B. Dana, WA. H. DAVIDGE, of this city, to VIRGINIA MASON, daughter of the late Judge Thomson F. Mason, of the former place.

BASTEDO, aged 3 years, 1 month and 5 days. The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this day, (Saturday,) at 11 o'clock A. from No. 469 Eighth avenue, near Thirty-fifth street. At his residence, on Staten Island, Thursday morning, February 3, DANIEL H.

WICKHAM, in the 83d year of his age, and for more than fifty years a resident of this city. All relations and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, at the Carmine street Church, (Rev. Mr. Skinner's,) this (Saturday) at 3 clock. There will be a service at his late rosidence, Clifton, L.

at 10 A. M. On Thursday, February 3, after a long and tedious illness, Mrs. ANN LEE, aged 53 years. Funeral this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o'clock, at 201 Franklin street.

In Brooklyn, on Thursday morning, February 3, ANN ELIZA WINGOOD, wife of Charles Stuart, formerly a resident of St. Thomas, West Indies. Her remains will be taken to Greenwood for interment. On Thursday evening, February 3, after a short illness, CATHARINE, wife of John Turnure, in the 29th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from her late residence, 87 First street, without further invitation.

In Brooklyn, on Thursday evening, February 3, after a protracted illness, borne with Christian resignation, KATHARINE ADA, third daughter of Edward and Mary Elizabeth Kay, aged 18 years Suddenly, on Wednesday, February 3, WILLIAN RULGATE VAN PELT, aged 32 years. His friends and acquaintances, also the members of Northern Light Lodge, I. 0. of 0. are reqested to attend his funeral, this day, (Saturday,) 5th at 1 o'clock P.

from his late residence, East Morrisania. On Friday, February 4, after a long and painful illness, JOHN RUTTER, aged 50 years and 11 months. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock P. from his late residence, Eighty-sixth street, near First avenue, Yorkville. On Friday morning, February 4, Mr.

NICHOLAS FOURRIER a native of France, aged 29 years. The proprietor of the Keystone Hotel, 46 Division street, corner of Chrystie, respectfully requests friends of Nic, and his own, to unite with him, this day, (Saturday,) 5th at 1 o'clock P. at the above named place, to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of one whose greatest wealth was honor. HENRY C. ATWOOD.

On Thursday, February 3, Mrs. EsTHER ROGERS, widow of the late Dr. David Rogers, aged 79 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, this day, (Saturday,) at 9 o'clock A. from the residence of her brother-in-law, Thomas W.

Garniss, No. 106 Seventh street. On Friday, February 4, of scarlet fever, Dr GROVE BEDSON, son of Heathcote J. Clark, aged 2 years and 6 months. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from 172 Delancy street, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock P.

M. Suddenly, on Thursday, February 3, ELIZA HARRIS, daughter of the late Robert Harris. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service, on Sunday afternoon, at o'clock, at her late residence, No. 190 Mulberry street. Her remains will be taken to Rockland Cemetery on Monday morning.

Died, On Thursday, February 3, of whooping cough, NELSON Stock Sales. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. by Keen Taylor. First City Railroad 6'8, '76, 107: 2,300 Pennsylvania 5's, 98: 245.05 do, '55, 98; 4,000 Camden and Amboy Railroad 6's, '75, 102; 500 Reading Railroad Mortgage 6'A. '43, 7,100 Lehigh 239 80 Lehigh Convertible Mortgage 6'8, s5, 600 Norristown Railroad 6's, 97; 5,000 Schuylkill Navigation 6's, '82, b5, 100 shares Chester Mining Company, 112 P'ennsylvania Railroad, b5wn, 12 do, 100 Union Canal, b5, 350 Long Island Railroad, b5wn, 400 do, b5, 100 Morris Canal, b4, 25 do, 450 Schuylkill Navigation, preferred.

29 10 do, 293: 350 do, b5 and int, 100 North American Coal, b5wn, 100 do, b4, 100 do, 100 do, b5, 8 Reading Railroad 50 Lehigh Navigation, 75, 10 Pennsylvania Bank, 128; 6 Commercial Bank, 691. Between Boards-300 shares Schuylkill Navigation, preferred, 300 Long Island Railruad, 6 North America Bank, 155; 24 Bank of Pennsylvania, 1273. Second Board $400 Chester Valley Railroad 7's, 1,500 Lehigh 6'8, 200 Lehigh Mortgage 6's, 200 United Statee 6 67, ckp, 1,700 do, 5.000 Schuylkill Navigation '82, 5,000 do, s5wn, 2,700 Kensington '72, b5, 500 Pennsylvania 5's, 98: 32 shares Pennsylvania Railroad, 27 do, b5wn, 501; 50 do, b5, 200 Union Canal, b5, 50 Morris Canal, 213: 100 Chester Mining Company, 150 do, b5wn, 50 do, b5, 1 Minehill Railroads 2 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 50 Reading Railrood, 65, 300 Long Island Railroad, 50 do, cash, 150 do, 2d, 200 Girard Bank, b5wn, After Board-400 shares Long Island Railroad, 100 do, s6wn, 500 do, b5, 100 do, $5, 500 Susquehanna Canal Coupon 0'a, 86; 4 Lehigh Navigation, 78; 5 do, b5, 80; 2 Chnsapeake and Delaware Canal, Market steady. MARITIME INTELLIGENCE. ALMANAC POR NEW YORK-THIS DAY.

RISKS ....7 8 MOON 05 20 SUN 21 HIGH WATER. 06 20 Port of New York, February 4, 1853. CLEARED. Steamship--Baltic, Comstock, Liverpool, EK Collins. Ships--Chas Crooker, Delano, Liverpool, Elwell Co; Creole, Pearce, New Orleans, Frost.

Upshur, San Francisco, Fowler; Nevada, Chase, New Orleans, Eagle Hazard. Brig--Kendall, Catheine, Georgia, Kelly Smithers. Schrs-Cortes, Stanhope, Coast of Africa, A Mumford: Caroline Hopkins, Homer, Mobile, Fordock; Strong, Storey, Baltimore, Mailler Lord; Homer, Parker, Boston, Herrick; Jervis Lyon, Casto, Philadelphia, James Hand; Ann Cake, Rose, Philadelphia, McKee Co: Col Satterlee, Jones, Charleston, McCready Co; Virginia Grifith, Plumer, Charleston, Van Brunt Slaght; Union, Whittemore, Mayaguez, Mayhew Co: Smith Tuttle, Baker, Philadelphia, McKee; Caroline, Martin, San Francisco, Minturn. ARRIVED. Ship Lucoma, Hamilton, Marseilles, Dec 3, passed through the Straits Dec 19, to Zerega Co.

Bark Saxony (of Boston), Howes, Marseillex, Nov 15, and left Gibraltar Dec 12, to Cazet Astoin. Jan 3, lat 35 24, lon 33 50, spoke Austrian bark Eugene, from Trieste for NYork. Had heavy westerly winds most of the passage. Bark Lyra, Bemis, Havana, Jan 22, to Moses Taylor Co. Jan 28, lat 31 33, lon 79, spoke brig George Lind, from St Jago for Norfolk.

Bark Norumbega, Clark, St Marks, 15 days, to Smallwood, Anderson Co. Had very heavy weather, split Fails, Brig Azores, Battie, Messina. Nov 28, to Draper Devlin. Dec 28, lat 36 16, lon 19 52, spoke bark Elizabeth, of Philadelphia, E. Brig Eluisa (Sic).

Magna, Palermo, 74 days, to Roths. child Co. Brig Edinburgh (of Bangor), Bartlett, Bonaire, 28 days, to master. Brig Emporium (Br), Colter, Gonaives, 22 days, to A Rossire Co. Brig Isabella Reed, Rice, Port au Prince, Jan 17, via Inagua 23d, to 0 A Ferris.

Jan 5, while at Port au Prince, Mr George Hutchings, chief officer, died of the fever. Schr Pettes (of New Orleans), Burrows, New Orleans, Dec 31, to Brodie Pettes. On the 6th January, in consequence of the sickness of the chief mate, put into Cape Florida for medical aid, which was obtained from the US surveying achr Petrel, Com Totten. Sid again 13th; 16th, experienced a severe gale, when off St Augustine, from ESE to ENE, and lost deck load of casks; has also lost stern boat, atove bulwarks and galley; carried away fore gaft and back stays, and received other damage in rigging. Schr Ann Susan, Crary, Wilmington, NC.

Denmark, Cobb, Wilmington, NC, 7 days, Schr Mary Scull, Scull, Wilmington, NC, 5 days. Echr Manhasset, Myers. Wilmington, NC, 5 dayr. Schr Julia Hallock, Anderson, Wilmington, NO, 7 days. Schr Chas A Hannum, Beck, Swanaboro, NC, 8 Ella, Swetsey, NC, 5 days.

Schr Frink, Frink, Washington, NC, 4 days. BELOW. A ship, supposed to be one of the Glasgow packets. Also one bark, unknown. Wind during the day from SE, with fog.

The clipper ship Gov Morton, Burgess, for San Francisco, and ship Chas Crooker, Delano, for Liverpool, are at anchor in the East river. Telegraphie Marine Reports. Boston, Feb 4. Arrived- -Ship Pharsalia, Liverpool, Oct 21, Southampton Dec 23. Has had terrible weather on the passage, carrying away sails, spars, bulwarks, cooking utensils, and flooding the cabin with water.

Also arrived -Bark Helen Maria, Baltimore; schrs Gertrude, and Edwin, NYork. Cleared--Bark Kezial, Port Philip, Aus; White, Pernambuco; Maria, Havana. NEW ORLEANS, Feb 3. Arrived -Ship Jessore, New York; bark Archimedes, Boston. Feb 4.

Arrived -Ships Oregon, and Vicksburg, NYork. Cleared- Schr Admiral, Charleston. Herald Marine Correspondence. PHILADELPHIA, Feb 4-4 PM. Arrived -Barks Japonica, Gallaghar, Havana; Mandarin, Campbell, Balerino; Grampus, Dver, Pernambuco; Nazarine, Pendleton, Cardenas; brigs Fabars, Fontaine, St Jago de Cuba; Ormus, Baker, Bedford; Mail, Baker, Boston; schrs Smith, Smith, Savannah; Henry Nutt, Garwood, Wilmington.

NC. Cleared -Ship Philadelphia (pkt), Faulk, Liverpool. Miscellaneous. SHIP HOUQUA has delayed her departure for San Francisco, to repair the damage done her cutwater by the Fulten ferry boat. BR SHIP LyCY, from Mobile for Liverpool, which went ashore at Loo Key, was got off, but in a subsequent storm, was obliged to cut away her spars, to keep her from drifting out to sea, and was towed to Key West by the wreckers.

BARK F. A. EVERETT, at Key West, will have her cargo taken forward by brig Gov Anderson. The captain chartered her for $750. BRIG ANN PRATT, at Philadelphia from Bordeaux, before reported cut through by the ice and sunk, was discharging 1st inst.

None of her cargo has been injured, except a few cases of wine and prunes. The vessel has not been seriously injured. SCHR RICHARD S. of Harwich, has been purchased by Mr Meriam of Providence, and is intended as a packet between Providence and Harwich, under the command of Capt Zeno Gage. Whalemen.

At Honolulu Dec 2, by letter from Capt West, Jeanette, 1800 wh oil and 22,000 lbs bone. In the early part of the season was in contact with the Donnell, and lost bowsprit (before reported); had a heavy gale Oct 16, and carried away jury bowsprit. foretopmast, and head of foremast, with all attached, and sprung main topgallantmast. Capt had called a survey, and was about to repair. At do, same date, by letter from Capt Corey, Robert Pulsford, 500 sp 1800 wh; had shipped 23,400 lbs bone, would sail in a few days on a cruise for sp.

Had discharged all her officers, and shipped others. At do, Nov 30, by letter from Capt Kempton, Waverly, NB, lying off on the outside, to sail same day; had discharged first and second officers and shipped others. At do, Dec 4, by letter from Mr Barrett, first officer, Ohio, Norton, 2400 wh 120 sp, bound home; Capt had been sick, but was recovering. At Lahaina Dec 2, by letter from Capt Cromwell, Cortes, NB. full, for home 2 days.

At Valparaiso Dec 12, by letter from Capt Ryan, Young Hero, Nan, 700 sp. At Vavaoo no date, Alpha, Congdon. Nan, 22 mos out, 650 sp. SPOKEN-Jan 7, off Cape St. Lucas, WT Wheaton, Green, NL, 4 months from San Francisco, 400 sp.

Spoken. Br ship Wm Fuller, 119 days from Huasco (Peru), for Baltimore, Jan 29, and supplied with provisions by US revenue cutter Campbell. Bark Racehorse, Hoffner, from Liverpool for New York, Dec 19, off Tuskar. during a WSW gale. Bark Elm, from Philadelphia for Boston, Jan 31, Little Egg Harbor NW 8 miles.

Brig Huron (of St John, NB), O'Hara, from Greenock Nov 25, for Boston, Dec 23, lat 49, lon 26. Foreign Ports. ACAPULCO-Ia port 8th ult, ship Commonwealth, Doane, from NYork Aug 5, supposed just arrived. ANTWERP-In port 12th ult, ship Pyramid, "Henderson, disg, to load for NOrleans. BONAIRE-Ia port Jan 7, whaling barks Benjamin Franklin.

of Beverly, months out (had 110 bbls sp and 40 bik); and Margaret, of Salem, Howes, 2 months out, (with 20 sp and 30 bik)-would sail in a few days, to cruise around the Western Islands. BUENOS AYRES-in port Dec 3, ships Aymar, Carver, for NYork 2 or 3 days; Parana, Langston, from NYork (about Oct 2) arr some days before; bark Delaware, Hutchinson, disg; brigs Chickasaw, Higgins, for Arracan, to load rice and return to Buenos Ayres; Albert, (Prus) for Boston ldg; Robt Wing, Crowell, from NYork, (about Oct 2) arr about Nov 25, disg; Nancy, Patterson, from Baltimore, (about Sept 20) arr Hilda Charlotta, (Sw) for NYork ldg; Delphin, (Dan) do, and others. CARDENAS-Arr Jan 21, brigs Braganza, M'Intyre, Boston; Jas Wallace, Foster, and Telos, Mason, do; Henry Leeds, Littlejohn, Havana; Lydia Stover, Sheppard, Matanzas; 25th, bark Mary and Henry, Davis, Portland; brig Cardenas, Fogg, Havana. Sid 21st, brigs Commodore, Williams, York; Haskins, Snow, do; Ellen Hayden, Smith, do; 22d, Xenophon, York, Boston; 26th, bark Scott Dyer, Hill. do; brigs Susan Soule, Hayle, Portland; Elgira, Brown, York.

GoNAIVES-In port Jan 13, Br schr Active, Perry, from and for Boston, the only vessel in port for the States. HAVANA--Arr Jan 26, brig Hesperus, Chase, Wiscasset; schr Baron de Castine, Atwood, Frankfort; 27th, brigs Brown, Almy, Wilmington; Lilian, Rose, Havana; Gen Marion, Bibber, Portland: Elliot, Grant, do: Calcord, Park, Boston: Webster, Heath, Bucksport; Detroit, Norfolk; Shamrock, Smith, Portland; schrs Juniata, Webater, do; Louisia Margaret, Pugh, Norfolk. Sid 29, bark Saranac, Bigley, Boston via Mariel; brig Waverley, Hill, Cardenas; 80, bark William, Bailey, Boston. In port 29th, ship Norma, Brown, disg; barks Chilton, Pennell; Deney, Averill, and John Wesley, Curtis, for ft or A Hazard, Gard, from Newport, disg; Esther Frances, Cozzens; A Perley, Collins, and Mangola, Haskell, unc; Franklin, Cook; Venus, Church, and Odd Fel. low, Elliot, wtg: Isla de Cuba, West, for NYork soon; St.

Jago, Means, and Averon, Kellar, disg: brigs Globe, Saunders; Kate Anderson, Linnekin; Napoleon, Winslow; Louisia, Nickerson; Charlotte, Sparks; Greyhound, Pierce; Hibernia, Green; Lima, Wade; Gazelle, Brazier, and Metamora, Rogers, disg; Amos Roberts, Colson, for NYork; Abigail Maria, Spurling, wtg; Gulnare, Phillips, for Galveston soon; California, Hitchborn, and Isaac Carver, Clark, une; Camina, Elliot, from Boston, arr 29; Emily, Britt. for do; Four Sons, Corbett, disg; (has been reported sld 21st for Mobile:) schrs Isaac Hertz, Bullock, for Savannah soon; Hone, Balles, do do; Meridian, Wood, from Ellsworth; ding; Midas, Rauch, disg. Jan 21, bark Express, Boss, York; Frances, Simmons, Boston; schr Aid, Steller, Charleston; 25th, brigs Calais, Lockhart, Eastport; Somera, Watson, Charleston; 26th, Orizana, Morse, York. Sid 21st, bark Homer, Carlisle, Boston. PORT- AU-PRINCE-In port Jan 17, bark Charles Lex, Harper, from Philadelphia, disg; briga" Waldoboro," Johnston, for NYork, two days; Timothy Crosby, Harding, for NYork, (before reported for Boston); schr Susan, Whelden, disg.

SAGUA-Arr Jan 22, Retch Brothers, Lovett, Charleston. ST. JOHN, N. -Cld Jan 80, bark India, Ketchum, Savannah. TALCAHUANO-In port Dec 4 ship Sarah Parker, (of Nantucket) Gardner, from Bedford June 21, for San Francisco next day, all well; had had heavy weather off Cape Horn for 45 days.

TRINIDAD-Arr Jan 21, brigs Fitch, NYork 22d, Aonian, Simmons, Boston. Sid 22d schr Laurel, Carver, NYork. Home Ports. APALACHICOLA-CId Jan 22, bark Jos Fish, Seavy, Fall River. BALTIMORE-Arr Feb 3, brig Candace, Bray, Boston.

Cld ship Susan Howell, Norman, London; brig Flora, Hubbard, West Indies schrs Ann Gayle, do Canton, Johnson, Demarara; Leo, Alvy, Boston; Remyon, Endicott, NYork; A Berry, Pendleton, Savannah. schr Seguin, Swain, for NYork. BOSTON-Arr Feb 3, ship Charles Sprague. Pike, Liver pool; schr Gertrude, Horton, Pendleton, NYork. Below a packet, bark, and a hermn brig.

Arr 2d, schrs Freeman, Roberts; Benj Baker, Newcomb, and Simeon Baker, Hawes, Tangier. Cld 3d, barks Union, Kendrick, Baltimore; Ranger, Fogg, Portland; brigs Two Ladies (Br), Hoyt, St Jago; Matinic, Thorndike, Cardenas; schrs Tionesta, Eaton, Jacksonville. CHARLESTON -Arr Jan 31, bark Alexandre (Fr), Maridor, St Thomas, 19 days; sour Pocahontas, Bulkley, York. (ld ship Sullivan, Edwards, NYork: brig Emily, Davis, do. Sid 29th, bark Waltham: 31st, Br ship Cambria, Brem bark Hansa, Dan brig Fylla.

Bark Miltiades did not sail 29th. FALL RIVER-Arr Jan 31, schr Harriet, Chandler, Delaware city; Feb 2d, bark Empress, Church, NOrleans. Sid 1-f, schr Borden; Hinckley, Baltimore. GALVESTON-CId Jan 17, ship Wharton, Gates, Havre; bark Milford, Horton, NYork. In port 20th, ships Lochinvar, Lufkin, unc; Travis, Bolles, do; barks Stanley (Er), Coffin, do: Rodmond, Hill, do: Island City, Hinckley, do; brigs Mary, Lindsay, for Boston, ldg; Pennamaquon, refitting; schr Lone Star, une.

KEY WEST -Arr Jan brig Gov Anderson, Farwell, NOrleans, with bark A Everett's cargo. Sid bark James Smith, Baltimore, having completed repairs. Schr Kelly, from Baltimore for NOrleans, anchored under the Sambros on the 23d for a harbor, and ald LUBEC-Arr Jan 24, schr Velocity, Boyd, NYork. Feb 1, sloop Triumph, Robinson, NYork. NEW LONDON-Arr Feb 2, prop Shetucket, Geer, NYork for Norwich; achr Hutoka, Johnson, Boston for James River.

NEW ORLEANS-Arr Jan 27, ships John Campbell, (Br), Wilson, Fernandepe, (Coast of Africa); Howadji, Balch, Newburyport, Me: barks Lincoln, Polley, Boston; Murillo, Woodside, Providence, RI; Baltimore, Ramsay, York: Cyane, Loveland, Richmond; brigs Contest, (Br), Griffin Havana, 9 days; Principe, Gilchrist, York; Peerless, Castner, Boston. Below, ship Crown, (Br), Dawson, from Liverpool: brig Townsend, Jones. San Juan. Cld, ships John and Lucy, Curling, Liverpool; Frank Pierce, Marcy, Liverpool; ships Julio, (Sp), Just. Barcelona: Liver- man; Hoimes, Boston; Edward Stanley, Robinson, pool; Timoleon, Pousland, Boston; Midas, (Br), King, (Sp), Liverpool; Docet, barks Barcelona; Rainbow, brig Hamlin, Abbott, Keenan, Charles.

Fall River; ton; schrs Isabel, (Sp), Sechen, Barcelona; A Stephenson, Post, York. Towed to sea 21st, ships Martha; 22d, Clinton and Post; brig Donna Theresa. NEW FORT -Arr Feb 3, bark Empress, Leet, Mobile for Fall River; schr Geneva, Nichola, Bucksville, for Boston. -Arr Feb 1, achr Joseph, French, Newburyport. Cld schr Viola, Mathias, Matanzas.

PORTLAND-Arr Feb 2, Schrs Pitts, Spear, and Melbourne, Hix, Rockland for NYork. Cld bark John Coffin, Walton, Havana; brig Harbinger, Mitchell, Porto Rico. PROVIDENCE--Arr Feb 2, propeller Petrel, Jones, York. Cld bark Midas, of Thomaston, Jordan, NOricans; schr Ellen, of Richmond, Va, Rogers, Pattersonville, In. RICHMOND-SId Feb 2, sohr Joseph Porter, English, York.

SALEM-Cld Feb 2, brig Brazilian, Leach, Porto Rico. Sid from below brig Hayward, Africa. Passengers Arrived. Ship Luconis--A Thacher, Geo Maya, Theodore A Gones-2 in the steerage. -Bark Saxony--Mr Otho, Frank, of Valermo.

Azorea-Mr John Farney. TIME NIS BEANWED EVERY DAY. SALES AT AUOTION. UCTION AT MOUNT LARGE QUANTty of oak, hickory, and other timber, lying near the New Haven depot, will be sold, in lots to suit purchasers, at one o'clock P. Monday, Feb.

7. At the same time, by auction or private sale, the house, lot, barn and store, lately occupied by Post O'Brien, situated on Eighth avenue, near First street, within few hundred yards of the depot. Terms easy. Should the weather prove favorable, the sales will be adjourned to the first fair day ensuing. NTHONY J.

BLEECKER. AUCTIONEER -WILL SELL at auction, on Monday next, February 7th, at twelve o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, the three story and basement brick house and lot, No. 86 Orchard street, between Grand and Broome streets. Lot 21 feet front by 60 feet deep. For particulars, apply to the auctioneer, No.

7 Broad street. A' DRIAN H. MULLER. AND Furniture at -Adrian H. Muller will sell at auction on Thursday, February 10, 1853, at 12 o'clock, M.

at from the the 1st Merchants' of Exchange, of the the lease for three years, May next, premises known as No. 337 Spring street, now occupied as an hotel and restaurant, chamber together with the fixtures, consisting of parlor and furniture, thirty beds, bedsteads and bedding, eleven marble-top tables, 1 marble-top counter, chins, crockery, and cooking utensils of a restaurant. UCTION NOTICE. -H. N.

BUSH, AUCTIONEER, WILL A sell this day, at o'clock, at 10 North William street, new and second band furniture of all kinds, feather beds, mattresses, quilts, crockery, glassware, cutlery, NOTICE -A RARE -ANY PERAUCTION having a cash capital of $500 to $1,000, cam meet with A good opportunity. by applying at No. 15 Spruce street, this day, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 P.M.

UCTION SALE THIS DAY, AT A half-past 10 o'clock, in the sales rooms 13 Spruca street, of excellent household furniture, in continuation; also, a large lot of goods, 37 trunks, containing various articles, from a first class hotel, left by a California bed, tent, cover, revolver, rifle, fine watch, valuable gun, clothing, dry goods, 70 boxes segars, 200 yards silk, a lot of furnishing hardware, A LBERT H. NICOLAY, AUCTIONEER. -PEREMPTORY sale, to close a trust, for lots on Fifth avenue, Sixth avenue, Second and Third avenues, Thirty ninth street, Sixty-fourth street, Eighty-third street, Ninetieth street, Ninety first street; three story brick house and lot No. 120 Cedar street, New York, and the three story briok store, dwelling, and lot, on South Sixth street, Williamsburg, at auction. Albert H.

Nicolay will sell on Wednesday, February 9th, at 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, to the highest bidder, without reserve--Ninetieth street- Two lots on north side of Ninetieth street, 25 by 100 feet inches, 300 feet west of Third avenue. Ninety-first street--Two lots on south side of Ninety -first street, 25 by 100 feet inches; also, one lot adjoining, 12 feet 7 inches by 100 feet inches, 275 feet east of Fourth avenue; also, three lots on south side of Ninety-first street, 382 feet 8 inches west of Fifth avenue, lots 25 by 100. Eighty third street--Two lots on the south side Eighty third street, 25 feet 5 inches by 100 feet, 101 feet 8 inches west of Second avenue, between Second and Third avenues. Second avenue Two lots on east side of Second avenue, 25 by 100 feet; also, one lot adjoining. 13 feet 6 inches front, 29 feet rear, and 100 feet deep, 102 feet south of Eighty-fourth street.

Third avenueOne lot southeast corner of Third avenue and Fifty street, 25 feet 5 inches by 110 feet. Sixty fourth street -Two lots on north side of Sixty-fourth street, 25 by 100 feet 5 inches, 200 feet west of Tenth avenue. Thirtyninth street -One lot on south side of Thirty-ninth street, 20 feet 6 inches by 98 feet 8 inches, 325 feet 6 inches east of Eighth avenue. Cedar street- The three story brick house and lot, known as No. 120 Cedar street, (south side of street.) lot 20 feet wide front and rear, by 53 feet 10 inches on east side, and 54 feet 11 inches on west side in depth, 60 feet west of Greenwich street.

Fifth avenueFour lots on southeast corner of Fifth avenue and Eightyfourth street, 25 feet 6 inches by 100 feet. Also-One lot on west side of Fifth avenue, 76 feet 8 inches north of Eighth street, lot 25 feet 6 inches by 97 feet 6 inches. Sixth avenue-One lot on east side of Sixth avenue, 25 feet 8 inches south of Eighty-Afth street, lot 25 feet 6 inches by 97 feet 6 inches. Williamsburg -The three story brick store, dwelling, and lot, on the north side of South Sixth street, known as No. 126.

between Sixth and Seventh streets, Williamsburg; lot 20 by 100 feet, house 20 by 36. The vacant lots are all beautifully situated for immediate improvements, most of them being graded by nature and, as they are located in a rapidly growing neighborheod, and the sale being peremptory, to close trust, offer unusual inducements for the investment of capital. Title indisputable. For maps and particulars, apply to the auctioneer, No. 40 Wall street.

E. H. and Lot LUDLOW, on AUCTIONEER. street -VALUABLE Ludlow HOUSE will sell auction on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1858, at 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, if not previously disposed of at private sale second street- The convenient and well arranged house No.

272 West Twentysecond street, four doors from Ninth avenue. The house is twenty by forty feet, with an enclosed piazza, and has all the modern improvements. The oilcloths and gas fixtures will be sold with the house. The location is unsurpassed, being opposite the grounds of C. C.

Moore. and facing London Terrace. Lot twenty feet by half the block. G. G.

afternoon, HORTEN, at two o'clock, AUCTIONEER. at 35 THIS Sixth avenue, SATURDAY one dozen cribs, one dozen tables, six dozen chairs, lot of second- hand furniture and porter house fixtures. BUSHNELL STEVENS, AUCTIONEER, OFFICE NO. G. 1, corner Wall and New streets-Will give special attention to the sales of real estate, vessels or cargoes, stocks, bonds, and securities, at the Merchants' Exchange; he will also attend personally to the sale of household furniture, at the residence of families, and to the sale of merchandise at stores--sales of which are respectfully solicited.

All business in the auction line done promptly and satisfactorily. Reference Cyrus Curtis, 0. Bushnell, Messrs. E. J.

Bussing, Messrs. J. Howard Isaac C. Kendall, Esq. G.

B. Stevens invit: his friends returning from California, or Australia, desiring to invest a portion of their gold in New York or Brooklyn property, to call on him, as he can offer them great inducement for profitable investment. HOUSEHOLD sell FURNITURE this day, AT at o'clock, L. at VAN- the salesroom, 14 Wall street, a large assortment of new and secondhand furniture, consisting, in part, of mahogany, oak and blackwalnut extension tables, secretaries and bookcases, sofas, chairs, bedsteads, bureaus, mattresses, palliasters, ENRY H. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL AT auction, this day, Feb.

5th, at 11 o'clock, in the gallery in the rear of store No. 8 Wall street, Oil painttings: about 200 choice oil paintings of the modern and ancient school, some of which are very fine, in rich gilt frames; among them is a splendid historical picture of Lady Fairfax interceding with Oliver Cromwell for the life of Charles painted by John Martin, of London. They will all be sold without any reservo. ENRY H. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL THIS day.

(Saturday, Feb. 5th,) at o'clock, at sales room, 62 William street, near Cedar, a general assortment of household furniture, carpets, also. a line of oil paintings, 2 sleighs, 2 extension tables, table cutlery, silver plated ware, mirrors, Sale peremptory. on AMES M. Wednesday, MILLER February CO.

9, WILL at 12 SELL o'clock, AT at AUCTION the Merchants' Exchange, two plots of ground, containing lots, on the southwest corner of Second avenue and Eight -sixth street, the corner plot being 99 feet 4 inches on the Second avenue, by 92 feet on Eighty-sixth street, with a cottage house 20 by 25 feet. Croton water on the premises. There is an abundance of shrubbery, fruit trees, grape vines, The adjoining plot being 51 feet 6 inches front on Second avenue, and 100 feet deep on the south side, 02 feet deep on the north side, with a two story frane dwelling, 20 by 37 feet, containing eleven rooms; also, barn, shrubbery, Croton water on the premises. Part of the purchase money can remain on bond and mortgage. R.

W. of handsome WESTCOTT, AUCTIONEER. furniture, -MORTGAGE on Monday SALE morning, at 11 o'clock, at 146 Greenwich avenue, consisting of rosewood sofas in velvet, rosewood bureaus, mahogany and walnut marbletop rosewood and mahogany marbletop tables and washstands, mahogany and walnut bedsteads, pure hair mattresses, looking glasses, mahogany and cottage chairs, carpets, stair rods, window shades, arm chairs, rockers in velvet and damask, library book case, sofas, tete-a-tetes, centre, pier and sofa tables, hat standa, paintings, china, glassware, rich solar lamps and vases, kitchen furniture, two refrigerators, sofa bedsteads, damask conches, music and quartette tables. toilet sets, No postponement on any account. TEAMSHIP FOR SALE AT THE MERchants' Exchange, New York, on Wednesday, the 16th February, at 1 o'clock, P.

it not previously sold at private sale, the superior, fast and elegant screw steamship CITY OF NORFOLK, 572 tons register; less than a year old and in complete order for sea, having just been put in a condition for twelve months' business. She has large capacity for freight and passengers, and is well furnished with every necessary for a sea steamer; has double engines and two large and excellent boilers very economical in fuel, and is one of the best arranged and most successful propellers ever built in this country. She in now lying at the foot of Cherry street, where she can be examined. For further particulars apply to MAILLER LORD, 108 Wall street. T.


will sell at -POSITIVE auction, on Tuesday, the 8th February at 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, two valuable lots on. the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and 117th street; four do. adjoining, on north side of 117th street; eigat do. on the rear, on the south side of 118th street. One half the purchase money can remain on bond and mortgage for three years, at six per cent.

Maps of the above can be obtained at the office of the auctioneers, No. 21 Wall street NOTICE captain ALL or crew PERSONS of the ARE sloop FORBID Fame, on TRUSTING my account. W. COOPER. Williamsburg, Feb.

3, 1853. HORSES, CARRIAGES, FOR inches high, fino BAY stylish MARE. driver, TIFTEEN warranted HANDS THRKE sound, and kind in single and double harness, and seven years old, belonging to a private gentleman. Inquire at She Brookly a Bazaar, Liberty stacet, Brooklyn. H' ORSE WANTED ONE WHICH IS EVERY WAY suited light wagon.

Must be fast, perfectly kind, free from all tricks, and young. Any one owning such a horse may box hear of A lower purchaser by actressing note to R. C. 1,059 Post office, slating price, speed, color, and age. WA and ANTED--A harnesa, SMALL suitable SECOND for a pony.

HAND TOP Address P. WAGON D. Broadway Post Office.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.