Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (2024)

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Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (5)

Australia's Home for Property Development

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            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (69)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (70) Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (71)


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            Properties / Buy / Western Australia / Ballajura

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (77) Save

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (79)



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            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (81)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (82)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (83)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (84)


            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (85)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (86)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (87)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (88)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (89)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (90)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (91)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066

            Properties / Buy / Western Australia / Ballajura

            Development Potential

            1. Property Summary

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (92)

            Land Area

            40,800 m² (*approx)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (93)


            Aged care/Retirement Village Zoning

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (94)

            Selling Method

            For Sale: Contact Agents

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (95)


            Show All

            2. Property Highlights

            Rare Development Opportunity

            • Land Area: 4.08ha*
            • Street Frontage to Paradise Quays
            • Aged care/Retirement Village Zoning

            Knight Frank, as the exclusive agent is pleased to offer for sale via Offers to Purchase Lots 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura.

            The sites comprises a huge 4.08ha*, spread between two neighbouring sites of 2.49ha* and 1.59ha* either side of Paradise Quays. The properties will be sold in one line.

            The offering provides a rare and exciting opportunity for developers and operators of Retirement Village and Aged Care to acquire the landmark site which runs parallel to Alexander Drive.

            The approved zoning for Retirement Village and Aged Care creates a great need for the City of Swan with their well documented Ageing Population. Currently with a diverse population of almost 150,000 people, of which 20% are over 55. Projections show that Ballajura will see a population increase of 1,822 for residents aged 55 and over and 737 additional residents aged 70 and over in the period from 2011 to 2026, with that to increase further in time.

            Property Features:

            -Land Area: 4.08ha*

            -2 Separate Titles

            -High Profile Street Frontage to Paradise Quays and Alexander Drive

            -Commercial/Residential Opportunity

            -Large demand for Aged Care within the area


            Property is zoned ‘Special Use 23’ for future Retirement Village and Independent living units under the City of Swan Scheme no. 17.

            Lots 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura is offered for sale via an ‘Offers to Purchase’ campaign closing on the XXXX

            To arrange an inspection or further details, please contact the exclusive agent’s below.

            Cory Dell’Olio

            0422 177 247

            Tony Delich

            0418 926 410


            Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

            Read More


            Development Potential

            1. Property Summary

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (96)

            Land Area

            40,800 m² (*approx)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (97)

            Aged care/Retirement Village Zoning

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (99)

            Selling method

            For Sale: Contact Agents

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (100)


            Gain Access

            2. Property Highlights

            Rare Development Opportunity

            • Land Area: 4.08ha*
            • Street Frontage to Paradise Quays
            • Aged care/Retirement Village Zoning

            Knight Frank, as the exclusive agent is pleased to offer for sale via Offers to Purchase Lots 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura.

            The sites comprises a huge 4.08ha*, spread between two neighbouring sites of 2.49ha* and 1.59ha* either side of Paradise Quays. The properties will be sold in one line.

            The offering provides a rare and exciting opportunity for developers and operators of Retirement Village and Aged Care to acquire the landmark site which runs parallel to Alexander Drive.

            The approved zoning for Retirement Village and Aged Care creates a great need for the City of Swan with their well documented Ageing Population. Currently with a diverse population of almost 150,000 people, of which 20% are over 55. Projections show that Ballajura will see a population increase of 1,822 for residents aged 55 and over and 737 additional residents aged 70 and over in the period from 2011 to 2026, with that to increase further in time.

            Property Features:

            -Land Area: 4.08ha*

            -2 Separate Titles

            -High Profile Street Frontage to Paradise Quays and Alexander Drive

            -Commercial/Residential Opportunity

            -Large demand for Aged Care within the area


            Property is zoned ‘Special Use 23’ for future Retirement Village and Independent living units under the City of Swan Scheme no. 17.

            Lots 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura is offered for sale via an ‘Offers to Purchase’ campaign closing on the XXXX

            To arrange an inspection or further details, please contact the exclusive agent’s below.

            Cory Dell’Olio

            0422 177 247

            Tony Delich

            0418 926 410


            Remember to mention you found this property on DevelopmentReady

            Read More


            4. Property Location

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (116)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (117) Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (118)

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            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (120)

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            Property Map

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (122)

            5. Due Diligence

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (123)

            Site Report Available

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            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (124)

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            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (125)

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            • Development Pipeline
            • Recent Transactions
            • Surrounding Amenity

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (126)

            Download Report Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (127)

            Download Report Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (128)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (129)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (130) Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (131)

            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 Ballajura

            Knight Frank - Perth

            Lvl 37, Exchange Tower, 2 The Esplanade PERTH, WA 6000

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            Lot 503 & 504 Paradise Quays, Ballajura, WA 6066 (2024)
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            Article information

            Author: Gregorio Kreiger

            Last Updated:

            Views: 5699

            Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

            Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

            Author information

            Name: Gregorio Kreiger

            Birthday: 1994-12-18

            Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

            Phone: +9014805370218

            Job: Customer Designer

            Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

            Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.