Full Time Enrollment (2024)

Full Time Enrollment (1)

Full Time Enrollment (2)

How to Enroll

We're glad you have decided to apply for enrollment in Full Time Public School! Please review the steps below before you begin the online application.

  • Enrollment is currently closed for the first semester and will reopen November 4 for the second semester. Sign up to be notified.
  • Enrollment may take several weeks to complete. Learn what to expect during the enrollment process.
  • Second semester starts on January 9, 2025.

Need help? Send us a message, chat, or call us at 800-374-1430.

Step 1 – Review Requirements

In order to be enrolled in Florida Virtual School full time, the following requirements must be met. Please review this information carefully to determine if your child is a good fit.

Note: Students with Florida School Choice Scholarships will be forfeiting their scholarships when choosing to attend Florida Virtual School full time. For more information, please visitScholarship Student Information.

  • The student must be a legal resident in the state of Florida.
  • Active duty military families who live outside the state of Florida may enroll their students but they must maintain their Florida residency.

  • Kindergarten: Students enrolling in Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1 in the school year in which they are enrolling.
  • 1st Grade: Students enrolling in first grade must be 6 years old on or before September 1 in the school year in which they are enrolling.
  • 9th–12th Grade: Students in grades 9–12 must be able to meet high school graduation requirements prior to their 20th birthday.
  • Students with Disabilities: Age requirements for students with disabilities that have an active Individual Educational Plan (IEP) differ from the general school age requirements.

  • Students with disabilities are required to meet the state and school admission criteria in order to be accepted into Florida Virtual School full time, just as their non-disabled peers.
  • Current Individual Educational Plans (IEP) of student applicants who meet the Florida Virtual School full time entrance criteria will be reviewed on an individual basis in order to determine the appropriateness of the full-time virtual education option.
  • Please view the FLVS Full Time handbook on Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and Section 504 for more information on students with disabilities.

To maintain contact with teachers, staff, and administration, students must have daily access to the following:

  • Computer with webcam and microphone (view system requirements here). Please note that Chromebooks are not able to be used due to technicallimitations and incompatibility with progress monitoring platforms.
  • Internet service
  • Email
  • Telephone

  • K–5 Supply List*
  • 6–8 Supply List
  • 9–12 Supply List

*Elementary students require a printer, printer paper, and extra printer ink cartridges.

Academic Requirements for First Semester (August Start)

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.
  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)
  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.
  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Incoming Kindergarteners

  • No academic requirements apply

Incoming 1st Graders

  • Successful completion of Kindergarten

Incoming 2nd Graders

  • Successful completion of 1st grade

Incoming 3rd Graders

  • Successful completion of 2nd grade

Incoming 4th Graders

  • Successful completion of 3rd grade

Incoming 5th Graders

  • Successful completion of 4th grade

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.

  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)

  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.

  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Incoming 6th Graders

  • Promotion from 5th grade

Incoming 7th Graders

  • Passing grades in 6th grade core courses, including math, science, social studies, and language arts

Incoming 8th Graders

  • Passing grades in 7th grade core courses, including math, science, social studies, and language arts

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.
  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)
  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.
  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Incoming 9th Graders

  • Promotion from 8th grade
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0, if applicable
  • Proficient* scores on 8th grade FAST ELA** and any applicable EOCs

Incoming 10th Graders

  • Successful course completion of the following:
    • English 1
    • Algebra 1 or Geometry
  • 6 minimum accumulated credits
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Proficient* scores on 9th grade FAST ELA** and any applicable EOCs

Incoming 11th Graders

  • Successful course completion of the following:
    • English 1 and 2
    • Algebra 1 or Geometry
    • 1 science (Biology or an equally rigorous science)
    • 1 social science (World History, US History, Government/Economics)
  • 12 minimum accumulated credits
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Proficient* scores on 10th grade FAST ELA** and Algebra 1 EOC, as applicable

Incoming 12th Graders

  • 9th grade cohort year must be on track for 4-year graduation
  • Successful course completion of the following:
    • English 1, 2, and 3
    • Algebra 1, Geometry, and a 3rd math credit
    • 2 sciences (Biology and 1 equally rigorous science course)
    • 2 social sciences (World History, US History, Government/Economics)
  • 18 minimum accumulated credits
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Passing test scores for 10th grade FSA ELA or concordant score
  • Passing test scores for Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, or concordant score

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.

  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)

  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.

  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Prior Year Homeschool Students

  • Florida homeschool students: Provide most recent district homeschool evaluation indicating student is on grade level.

  • Out-of-state homeschool students without an evaluation or standardized tests: Submit a current student portfolio with evidence of work samples and activity logs (may be required).

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Academic Requirements for Second Semester (January Start)

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.

  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)

  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.

  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Incoming Kindergarteners

  • Successful completion of first quarter of Kindergarten

Incoming 1st-5th Graders

  • Successful completion of prior grade

  • Successful completion of first quarter of current grade

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.

  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)

  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.

  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Incoming 6th Graders

  • Promotion from 5th grade

  • Successful completion of first quarter of 6th grade

Incoming 7th-8th Graders

  • Passing grades in prior grade core courses, including math, science, social studies, and language arts

  • Successful completion of first quarter of current grade

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.

  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)

  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.

  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Incoming 9th Graders

  • Promotion from 8th grade

  • Successful completion of first quarter of 9th grade

  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0, if applicable

  • Proficient* scores on 8th grade FAST ELA** and any applicable EOCs

Incoming 10th Graders

  • Successful course completion of the following:

    • English 1

    • Algebra 1 or Geometry

  • 6 minimum accumulated credits

  • Minimum weighted GPA of 2.0

  • Proficient* scores on 9th grade FAST ELA** and any applicable EOCs

  • Successful completion of first quarter of 10th grade

Incoming 11th Graders

  • Successful course completion of the following:

    • English 1 and 2

    • Algebra 1 or Geometry

    • 1 science (Biology or an equally rigorous science)

    • 1 social science (World History, US History, Government/Economics)

  • 12 minimum accumulated credits

  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0

  • Proficient* scores on 10th grade FAST ELA** and Algebra 1 EOC, as applicable

  • Successful completion of first quarter of 11th grade

Incoming 12th Graders

  • 9th grade cohort year must be on track for 4-year graduation

  • Successful course completion of the following:

    • English 1, 2, and 3

    • Algebra 1, Geometry, and a 3rd math credit

    • 2 sciences (Biology and 1 equally rigorous science course)

    • 2 social sciences (World History, US History, Government/Economics)

  • 18 minimum accumulated credits

  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0

  • Passing test scores for 10th grade FSA ELA or concordant score

  • Passing test scores for Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, or concordant score

  • Successful completion of first semester of 12th grade

  • Successful completion of 3.0 credits of Florida Virtual School coursework (including courses through FLVS Full Time, FLVS Flex, County Virtual School, or FlexPoint Virtual School)

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Students must meet the recommended academic progress outlined below, including the following enrollment requirements:

  • Students are required to complete 6 courses during the semester of graduation. This is an accreditation requirement.

  • Students who need less than 6 credits to meet graduation requirements are not eligible for a diploma through Florida Virtual School. Cognia accreditation requires "the institution ensure that students graduating from the institution complete at least 25% of the courses for graduation at the institution." This means students enrolling in Florida Virtual School full time must earn at least 6 credits through Florida Virtual School to be eligible and receive a State of Florida diploma. Note: This includes all Florida Virtual School coursework (individual courses (FLVS Flex), County Virtual School, and FlexPoint Virtual School.)

  • In order to earn a diploma through Florida Virtual School full time, Florida statewide assessment requirements for graduation must be met.

  • Any student transferring from out of the country must provide a copy of their academic records, including any test scores, translated and evaluated for entrance into a Florida public school.

Prior Year Homeschool Students

  • Florida homeschool students: Provide most recent district homeschool evaluation indicating student is on grade level.

  • Out-of-state homeschool students without an evaluation or standardized tests: Submit a current student portfolio with evidence of work samples and activity logs (may be required).

* Proficient is defined as scores 3, 4, and 5 on state assessments.

** In some cases, students without FSA/FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support. FSA/FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students, but diagnostic screening assessments will be used to determine eligibility.

Step 2 – Gather Documents

The following documents are required for full time enrollment in Florida Virtual School. Please have documents available and ready to upload before starting the enrollment application.

Provide a copy of the student’s official birth certificate. For a foreign birth certificate, a translated copy must be provided.

Students must have valid proof of Florida residency to be eligible for enrollment. Families living outside the state of Florida due to active military service must provide a statement of earnings indicating Florida as their state of legal residence andthe orders that moved the family out of state.

Submit a copy of the following documents, one from Group A and one from Group B. The name on both documents and the name of the parent/legal guardian enrollingthe child must match.

Group A

  • Property tax statement
  • Lease agreement with name of lessee and contact information
  • Mortgage statement
  • Home purchase contract or mortgage commitment, including specified closing date, with copy of deed to be provided within 60 days of closing

Group B

  • Homeowner’s insurance statement (must be dated within 12 months)
  • Current parent/guardian Florida driver’s license or Florida identification card
  • Automobile insurance statement (must be dated within 6 months)
  • Utility bills: gas, water, sewage, electric, cable/internet or home/cellular telephone bill (must be dated within 60 days)

Provide Florida Certificate of Immunization Form DH680 or exemption forms DH681, DH680B, or DH680C. New Florida residents are required to transfer their prior immunization records to Form DH680 via the health department or an established physician.

If submitting form DH680, please ensure the below information is included for grades Kindergarten–12:

  • Four or five doses of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine*
  • Three, four, or five doses of polio vaccine
  • Two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Two or three doses of hepatitis B vaccine
  • Two doses of varicella vaccine

*Students entering grades 7–12 are required to have one tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.

Additional forms may need to be submitted with the application, if applicable.

  • Court custody or legal guardianship documentation from a state or federal agency. Acceptable custody forms include court or state/federal agency documents. Power of attorney and notarized documents are not accepted.
  • Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
  • 504 Plan and supporting documents
  • English Language Learner (ELL) records indicating current ELL status, entry date, and exit date (if applicable)
  • Educational Plan (EP)
  • Discipline records

Academic Records for First Semester (August Start)

Incoming Kindergarteners

  • No academic requirements apply

Incoming 1st–5th Graders

  • Submit prior year report card showing promotion status*

  • Submit most recent STAR (reading and math for grades 1-3)

  • Submit more recent FAST (reading and math for grades 4-5)

* Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

** FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Incoming 6th Graders

  • Submit prior year report card verifying promotion from 5th grade*

  • Submit most recent FAST**(reading and math)

Incoming 7th–8th Graders

  • Submit all prior middle school grade level final year-end report cards showing promotion status

  • Submit most recent FAST** (reading and math) and EOC scores

  • Students who have earned high school credits while in middle school must submit an unofficial transcript. Unofficial transcripts should include the most recent state test scores ( FAST**, EOC) or score reports should be included as academic documentation.

* Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

** FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Incoming 9th Graders

  • Submit report card verifying promotion from 8th grade*

  • Submit most recent FAST** (reading and math) and EOC scores

  • Students who have earned high school credits while in middle school must submit an unofficial transcript. Unofficial transcripts should include the most recent state test scores ( FAST**, EOC) or score reports should be included as academic documentation.

Incoming 10th-12th Graders

  • Submit an unofficial transcript with all high school credits earned

  • Submit most recent FAST** (reading and math), EOC scores, or comparative scores earned on SAT/ACT/PERT/PSAT

* Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

** FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Prior Year Homeschool Students

  • Complete the Homeschool Prior Academic History Form

  • Florida Homeschool Students: Provide most recent district homeschool evaluation and most recent standardized test scores, if applicable.

  • Out-of-State Homeschool Students: Those without an evaluation or standardized tests, submit a current student portfolio with evidence of work samples and activity logs (may be required)

  • Current FLVS Flex Students: Submit Cumulative Academic Record or unofficial transcript from VSA

* Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

** FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Academic Records for Second Semester (January Start)

Incoming Kindergarteners-3rd Graders

  • Submit first quarter report card*

  • Submit most recent STAR (reading and math)

Incoming 4th–5th Graders

  • Submit first quarter report card*

  • Submit more recent FAST** (reading and math for grades 4-5)

*Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

**FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Incoming 6th Graders

  • Submit first quarter report card and 2nd quarter progress report*

  • Submit most recent FAST**(reading and math)

Incoming 7th–8th Graders

  • Submit first quarter report card and 2nd quarter progress report*

  • Submit all prior middle school grade level final year-end report cards showing promotion status

  • Submit most recent FAST** (reading and math) and EOC scores

  • Students who have earned high school credits while in middle school must submit an unofficial transcript. Unofficial transcripts should include the most recent state test scores ( FAST**, EOC) or score reports should be included as academic documentation.

*Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

**FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Incoming 9th-12th Graders

  • Submit first quarter report card, 2nd quarter progress report, and transcript of previous high school credit(s) have been earned*

  • Submit most recent FAST** (reading and math), EOC scores, or comparative scores earned on SAT/ACT/PERT/PSAT

*Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

**FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Prior Year Homeschool Students

  • Complete the Homeschool Prior Academic History Form

  • Florida Homeschool Students: Provide most recent district homeschool evaluation and most recent standardized test scores, if applicable.

  • Out-of-State Homeschool Students: Those without an evaluation or standardized tests, submit a current student portfolio with evidence of work samples and activity logs (may be required).

  • Current FLVS Flex Students: Submit Cumulative Academic Record or unofficial transcript from VSA.

*Please do not withdraw your child prior to the close of the current school year and only after you have received official notice of enrollment into Florida Virtual School full time. Students with obligations to the prior school that prevent the release of official academic records may be subject to withdrawal prior to the end of the semester.

**FAST scores are not required for incoming private, out-of-state, or homeschool students. Students without FAST or standardized test scores may complete diagnostic screener assessments to ensure appropriate course placement and/or receive appropriate academic support.

Step 3 – Apply Online for Enrollment

Enrollment is currently closed for the first semester and will reopen November 4 for the second semester. Sign up to be notified.

What to Expect During Enrollment

Submit your enrollment application, including all documents, such as proof of age, proof of residency, proof of immunization, academic records, etc. We encourage you to submit the application early as enrollment may take several weeks to complete.

Note: The enrollment application must be fully submitted before the review process can begin. Please be sure to complete the entire application and click submit when finished.

Monitor the email associated with your application. All status updates and document resubmission requests will be communicated via email.

We will verify your application and documents and email you if anything is missing or needs to be resubmitted. School counselors will then review your child’s academic history and finalize grade level and course placement.

We will send you an email to confirm enrollment.Confirm your child’s tentative schedule (pending course availability) and intent to attend Florida Virtual School. Once you confirm, your child will be enrolled.

We will assign your child’s courses and teachers. A teacher will reach out to help your child get started in the days leading up to the first day of the semester.

A student’s application does not guarantee enrollment in FLVS Full Time and alternative options may be discussed. In addition, any subsequent enrollment may be terminated if it is discovered the application provided incomplete, inaccurate or false information, or if any information was withheld. Students applying for enrollment are required to submit all academic records prior to any consideration for admission. Parents must disclose their student’s current Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or current 504 Plan status, as applicable, at the time of applying for enrollment. Students should not be withdrawn from their current school nor should their homeschool status be terminated until enrollment in FLVS Full Time is confirmed.

I AgreeCancel

Full Time Enrollment (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.